A collection of very very very basic .NET and C# samples. You can browse and see various usage of
C# Arguments – demonstrates usage of arguments in C# methods
Chat with TCP – a chat server and client using the TCP protocol
Collections – usage of .NET collections
Complex – usage of operator overloading
Default Arguments – demo of Parallel.ForEach
Delegates – usage of delegates in C#
DirectorySearcher – search directories using the DirectoryInfo class
DownloadString – WebClient demo
Events – simple Button.Click event handling
Exceptions – demo of Thread.Abort
Extension Methods – C# extension methods
Fibonacci – recursively calculating the Fibonacci sequence in C# using Func delegate
FileReaderWriter - FileStream, StreamReader and StreamWriter demo on how to read and write to a file using C#
FileSystemWatcher – get notified of file system events (file created, deleted etc.)
Generics and IO – demo of a generic Dictionary being written and read from a file
Globalization – using globalization classes to display currencies and date/time information in a variety of countries
HttpWebRequest – HttpWebRequest demo to connect to an HTTP server
MD5 Hashing - MD5 hashing using C#
MultiplyMatrices – multiply two matrices
Object Serialization – serialize an object using XmlSerializer class
Processes enumeration – get processes that are currently running on your machine
Reflection – use reflection in C# to discover information about unknown types and classes
Regex and pattern matching – use of regular expressions in C#
SendMail – how to send e-mail using C#
StopWatch – using a stopwatch in C# to count passing time
StringBuilder – an efficient class for heavy string manipulation
Threading – how to use threads in C# using classes in the System.Threading namespace
Timers – how to use timers in C#
XML DOM – read XML via XmlTextReader class
On the folder Other, there are more samples in the various folders. Specifically,
Various Windows Phone Samples. Includes
RevalPaint. A proof of concept Windows Phone XAML application that allows to uncover/reveal parts of an image. Uses XAML Clipping and EllipseGeometry WPPathPainting. Windows Phone XAML app, enables user to paint specific items on a Path via ColorPicker
MissileLauncherWP7. Controlling a USB missile launcher via Windows Phone (with the help of a Windows application). Check the blog post here http://dgkanatsios.com/2010/11/26/controlling-a-missile-launcher-via-a-windows-phone-7-device-3/ and a video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bw2Yq-IZnE
Includes Simple Puzzle Game –> http://dgkanatsios.com/2010/09/14/simple-puzzle-game-for-windows-phone-7-using-xna-3/
Frogger Game -> http://dgkanatsios.com/2010/09/03/frogger-game-on-windows-phone-7-using-xna-3/
Bubble Breaker Clone -> http://dgkanatsios.com/2010/07/28/bubble-breaker-in-windows-phone-7-using-xna-3/
Arkanoid -> http://dgkanatsios.com/2010/07/16/arkanoid-in-windows-phone-7-using-xna-3/
WebPageParser. A small piece of code sample to parse an HTML page in Windows Phone 7
RSSReader. Source code for an RSS in Windows Phone 7. Check the blog post here http://dgkanatsios.com/2011/02/11/tutorial-video-creating-an-rss-reader-for-windows-phone-7-in-5-minutes-3/ and the YouTube tutorial here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5rcY0b2ZfQ&feature=player_embedded
Some Windows 8 User Experience (UX) patterns I've worked on. They were presented at EuroPLoP 2013, the premier European conference on patterns and pattern languages. I do not maintain the specific solution, check my Universal Helpers project for XAML behaviors and helpful UI stuff for Universal Windows Platform here: http://dgkanatsios.com/2015/12/11/universal-helpers-library-for-the-universal-windows-platform/
CSAsyncWin8: A small demo of the new async keyword in C#. Demo was presented at the first ever Windows 8 development event in Greece, in 2012. Try playing with it by commenting/uncommenting designated lines of code at btn_Start method in BlankPage.xaml.cs to see the results!
KinectFirstWords: A proof of concept letter matching WPF application with XAML using Kinect v1 as input
WCFSamples: Windows Communication Foundation samples. Includes a Duplex sample (chat client/server), a console app with C# configuration and a Windows Forms app with XML configuration
CSharpReflectionSamples: Some C# Reflection Samples.
CSharpLanguageEnhancements: Some demos of the C# 3.0 Language enhancements (LINQ, Extension Methods, Object Initializers, auto implemented properties and more). LINQ To SQL demos reguire the Northwind database (http://northwinddatabase.codeplex.com/).