
Click and copy to your clipboard fast

Why is there a need Copy to clipboard?

The "Copy to clipboard" directive is a useful feature that allows users to quickly and easily duplicate content from one location and paste it into another. It is particularly useful when working with text, as it eliminates the need to manually retype or reformat content.



1. Install via NPM:

npm i --save @andreasnicolaou/ngx-copy-to-clipboard

2. Import NgxCopyToClipboardModule into your app's root module or common module

import { NgxCopyToClipboardModule } from '@andreasnicolaou/ngx-copy-to-clipboard';

  imports: [
export class AppModule { }

Inputs Description
textToCopy String Text to copy
successMessage On copy success message
errorMessage On copy error message
onCopyEvent On copy event get success message (has default message-ovverid)
onErrorEvent On copy event get error message (has default message-ovverid)


    const val = 'Hello World!';

    public onSuccess(ev: string){

     public onError(ev: string){
    <button ngxCopyToClipboard [textToCopy]="val" [successMessage]="'Copied to Clipboard'" [errorMessage]="'Not copied to Clipboard'"
     (onCopyEvent)="onSuccess($event)" (onErrorEvent)="onError($event)">Copy</button>


  • Having an issue? or looking for support? Open an issue and we will get you the help you need.
  • Got a new feature or a bug fix? Fork the repo, make your changes, and submit a pull request.

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