
A plain javascript toggle. Requires merl.utils.js (https://github.com/andreasnymark/merl.utils)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


View demo

Toggle content, e.g. dropdowns with overlay. Separates CSS and HTML. Focus inside panel when toggled. Uses ARIA.

Default HTML

<div class="Toggle">
	<button class="Toggle-handle" type="button">Handle</button>
	<div class="Toggle-panel">
		<h2>Panel content</h2>

Default settings

Key Type Default Note
evt string click
selectElem string .Toggle
selectHandle string .Toggle-handle
selectPanel string .Toggle-panel
selectFocus string input, a
expanded string is-expanded
dataAttr string data-toggle
autoClose boolean true
keepOpen boolean false
classPosition object top: false, left: false, right: '
classPosition.top boolean string false Top edge is outside viewport, add this class.
classPosition.left boolean string false Left edge is outside viewport, add this class.
classPosition.right boolean string Toggle-panel--right Rigth edge is outside viewport, add this class.
classPosition.bottom boolean string Toggle-panel--up Bottom edge is outside viewport, add this class.



Init and override defaults

merl.toggle.init( {
	selectFocus: 'input.search',
	keepOpen: true
} );

Instance overrides

Key Type Note
evt string Event on handle.
focus string Selector to get focus.
handle string Specifik handle.
alternate string Alternative text when toggle is expanded.
keepOpen boolean If panel should be kept open.

Example instance override

<div class="Toggle" data-toggle='{"focus": ".link", "keepOpen": true}'>


Make sure you test in important browsers. I’ve targeted modern browsers, such as IE10+.