
Realtek Network SoC/CPU toolchains (including support for Lexra based chips)

Primary LanguageC


This package contains various Realtek SDKs (including toolchains) for MIPS based systems. It also includes an 'activate' script that can be sourced from a bash shell. This script makes using the toolchains easier.


Packages in this repository support the relatively obscure and absolutely odd Lexra CPU, which due to patent reasons does not support unaligned (half) loads and stores. There is no support in GCC for this (modern or historic) so it is useful to have on hand if you encounter such a device

Usage and notes

Where possible, effort was made to avoid duplicate toolchains. Also, in some cases an "activate" script was included for convenience. This file should be placed in the root of the toolchain and sourced from a bash shell. It will set things like PATH as well as other variables like CC and CXX, etc

Full list of SDKs in this repository (best effort naming here)

  • rsdk-1.5.10-5281
  • rsdk-1.5.10-4181
  • rsdk-4.4.7-4181
  • rsdk-1.3.6-4181
  • rtl8181-adk-1.5
  • rtl8181-sdk-1.4
  • rtl8181-sdk-1.6

Copyright / License

All code/packages in this repository are copyright of their respective owners. The only code added under copyright is activate scripts, which are copyright copyright@mzpqnxow.com under GPLv2