Lofimusic.app is an installable Progressive web app (PWA) that lists and displays famous YouTube Lo-Fi radios.
- Go to lofimusic.app
- Click on the
on the right, inside the search bar
- Go to lofimusic.app with Safari
- Click on the
button - Click on the
Add to homescreen
- Works on all browser that support web assembly but optimized for Chrome on a desktop
- May require authorization for autoplay (eg. Firefox)
- User interface is built with go-app
- Icons are from materialdesignicons.com
For adding new Lo-Fi channel or reporting issues: open a GitHub issue.
Lofimusic.app is meant to listen/discover Lo-Fi radios for free and does not have any monetization purposes.
Though, if you like the work that is put on this app, buying me a coffee would be more than appreciated.