
Little program to control the CapsLock LED on my laptop keyboard.

Primary LanguageC


A little program to control the CapsLock LED on my laptop (DELL XPS 15 9560) keyboard.

I like to have CapsLock mapped to Escape, since I use Escape way more than I ever use CapsLock. This is especially useful in vim to exit from INSERT mode.

What I don't like is useless technical stuff. What I like is giving useless technical stuff new purpose.

So I thought, the integrated CapsLock LED on my keyboard would make a good visual indicator for INSERT mode.

This program must be owned by root and have SUID bit set.

$ sudo chown root capslockled
$ sudo chmod u+s capslockled

The program can be called with capslockled 1 to turn LED on. Basically any other argument turns the LED off, but it would of course make sense to call it with capslockled 0

On success the program returns 0 on failure 1.

Building this program

It has a simple Makefile to compile the program, set permissions and copy it to a specific folder.

Only build program, you have to change ownership and set SUID bit yourself.


Or just let the Makefile handle it. Default is to copy the compiled program to ~/bin. This is the folder where I keep my own compiled programs. You will have to adapt it to your likings.

make install

Add hook to vimrc

" call a helper program to set CapsLock LED when in INSERT mode
au InsertEnter * :silent ! capslockled 1
au InsertLeave * :silent ! capslockled 0