
Installing Apache airflow using Helm on WSL2 and microk8s

Installing Apache airflow using helm chart on Windows 11 WSL2 / microk8s


I needed a playground to quickly spin various data engineering platforms, including Apache Airflow and most of them had official helm charts to get up and running. It turned out, my personal laptop is running Windows 11 and has WSL on it, which, at the time of writing started to support systemd. I went through several resources and did some small additions on my own, which led to this quick guide. This guide was composed using the following resources:


  • Windows 11 which is at release 22H2 at the time of writing. Older releases of Windows 10/11 may or may not be supported
  • WSL version 2 with "Preview" release of 0.7.0 or higher. This installed automatically with wsl --install, but if you have previous versions of WSL, please uninstall them or make sure you are using "Preview release" from the store or WSL releases URL below.
  • Sufficient RAM and fast CPU. 16Gb / Ryzen 7 4000 series on my ThinkBook G14ARE2 work fine.

Installation steps

Install wsl on clean install of Windows 11

wsl --install
wsl --version

Version should be higher than 0.67 You can otherwise download preview version of WSL from https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/releases You can install it using add-appxpackage <package.msix> cmdlet in privileged Powershell

Login to wsl shell and enable systemd

sudo tee -a /etc/wsl.conf << EOF

Shutdown and relogin to wsl from Windows command prompt

wsl --shutdown

install microk8s

sudo snap install microk8s --classic
sudo usermod -a -G microk8s $USER
sudo chown -f -R $USER ~/.kube
newgrp microk8s

microk8s kubectl and helm aliases with autocompletion

tee -a ~/.bashrc << EOF
alias kubectl=microk8s.kubectl
source <(microk8s.kubectl completion bash)
alias helm=microk8s.helm
source <(microk8s.helm completion bash)
source ~/.bashrc

Check status afer 1 minute or so

microk8s status

Enable optional services

microk8s enanble dashboard dns ha-cluster helm helm3 host-access hostpath-storage metrics-server storage         

Wait for 2-3 mins and you can install airflow

microk8s helm repo add apache-airflow https://airflow.apache.org
microk8s helm upgrade --install airflow apache-airflow/airflow --namespace airflow --create-namespace

expose deployment as node port

kubectl --namespace airflow expose deployment airflow-webserver --type=NodePort --name airflow-webserver-nodeport

Check the node port service:

kubectl --namespace airflow get service | grep NodePort
# airflow-webserver-nodeport    NodePort   <none>        8080:32700/TCP      3h43m

Note the port mapping 8080: and use WSL IP address and port number to access Airflow web UI. You can obtain IP address of your WSL bridge:

ip addr | grep 172
# this assumes your IP address of WSL bridge on Windows is 172.x.y.z
