Terraform Cloud/Enterprise tool helper

This scripts facilitates working around certain feature of Terraform Cloud or Enterprise and can be used to run bulk actions over multiple entities.

usage: test.py -o <organization> -c <command> [args]


list_workspaces List all Terraform workspaces.

find_workspace Finds either workspace name or ID. Require workspace ID, name or file list.

set_workspace_var Set or updates var for specified workspace(s). Require workspace ID or name, key_value or file list


--help Show this help message and exit

-h, --hostname Terraform Enterprise hostname. By default, it uses "app.terraform.io"

-o, --organisation Organization

-w, --workspace Workspace name or ID

-v, --variable New workspace variable key:value

-l, --list Path to file containing CSV (comma separated) data to use for bulk actions

-c, --command Command name, as for list below.

-p Use pager output where available.

--credentials Path to custom TFE credentials file.


Find workspace ID or Name:

python_tfe_tool.py -o myorg -c find_workspace -w ws-L9AQYF1RqRRkQs1k
python_tfe_tool.py -o myorg -c find_workspace -w my_workspace

List all available workspaces:

python_tfe_tool.py -o myorg -c list_workspaces

Set or update workspaces vars:

python_tfe_tool.py -o myorg -c set_workspace_var -w my_workspace -v "foo:bar"
python_tfe_tool.py -o myorg -c set_workspace_var -w my_workspace -l test_data/set_vars.csv