Alice OSE Control (GUI)

Unofficial multi-platform app to control Alice Open Source Exoskeleton, written in Dart/Flutter.

Check out the Alice OSE (Open Source) Exoskeleton page at Indi Global Page.




  • Multi-Platform:
  • USB-serial connection to the PID control (Arduino) of the exoskeleton (with C library under the hood);
  • Multi language support;
  • Console with desktop multi window, for debugging purpose;
  • Profile page to manage users profile and sessions data (steps taken; date/time; elapsed time; distance walked).
  • Super fast NoSQL ACID database;
  • Setting menu for system customization:
    • Dark/light mode;
    • Window transparency;
    • Navigation pane display mode;
    • Accent color;
    • Text direction;
    • Locale (language/internationalization).


Platform Status Minimum Version
Windows ✅ 10 or later
macOS ✅ BigSur or later
Android â›” -



TODO Status Comment
History charts 🗹 not started Build beautiful and interactive charts to show user history data of the sessions.
Voice Control 🗹 not started Control exoskeleton with voice commands.
App optimization 🗹 not started Review and refactor code to increase app performance (less usage of hardware resources).
Android release 🗹 not started Android version was not released yet because of an issue with usb permission on some versions of the platform.
Add macOS design 🗹 not started Implement macOS design for macOS (the current app's design follows the Fluent UI for Windows only).
Add material design 🗹 not started Implement material design for Android (the current app's design follows the Fluent UI for Windows only)..
