
Secure Identity provides a few methods to help you securing your application

Primary LanguageC#

How to use

SecureIdentity current provides only password generation and hashing. More features will be added later.


dotnet add package SecureIdentity

Strong password generator

You can use PasswordGenerator.Generate method to generate strong passwords. By default it will generate a 16 characters long password including special chars.

var password = PasswordGenerator.Generate();
// Default samples
// 'Byp%%NBb+5Ps[;7
// zBAZ8;9<XpH/>g}L
// ;k65YHa,~P&VYqSQ

You can specify some parameters to change the default behaviour:

var password = PasswordGenerator.Generate(lenght: 25, includeSpecialChars: true, upperCase: true);
  • Lenght is the password size in characters
  • Include Special Chars will include special characters in password, like !@#$%ˆ&*(){}[];
  • Upper Case will automatically cast the password (string) to uppercase

Password Hasher

The PasswordHasher.Hash method will generate a hash from your password (string).

var passHash = PasswordHasher.Hash("YOUR_PASSWORD");

By default, PasswordHasher will use the default parameters, having 1000 iterations an using . to separate the salt from iterations value on hash.

short saltSize = 16
short keySize = 32
int iterations = 10000
char splitChar = '.'

Verify hash

You can use PasswordHasher.Verify method to verify a hash against a password (string).

var result = PasswordHasher.Verify("YOUR_HASH", "YOUR_PASSWORD");

The result of this method is a boolean, meaning true is a match (Valid hash).

Real World usage

Do not save pure string password on your database, instead, hash it! So before save your user account, you can do:

public async Task<IActionResult> Post([FromBody]User user)
    user.Password = PasswordHasher.Hash(user.Password);    
    await context.Users.AddAsync(user);
    await context.SaveChangesAsync();

Or do not ask for a password at first time (Account creation) and generate a strong one:

public async Task<IActionResult> CreateAccount([FromBody]User user)
    var password = PasswordGenerator.Generate();
    user.Password = PasswordHasher.Hash(password);

    await context.Users.AddAsync(user);
    await context.SaveChangesAsync();


Now we have a hash saved on our database, something like this:


As you may guess, to login, we`ll receive a pure password from our user and we need to hash it before go to database.

public async Task<IActionResult> Login([FromBody]LoginViewModel model)
    // Get user from database
    var user = await context.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x=>x.Email == model.Email);
    // Hash the pure password we received
    var hash = PasswordHasher.Hash(model.Password);

    // Verify the hash
    var isValid = PasswordHasher.Verify(hash, user.Password);