
Software Development Team Lead - Comprehensive Technical Assessment Objective Evaluate comprehensive technical expertise in software development, Kubernetes, and cloud-native monitoring/logging.

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Technical Assessment

Objective Evaluate comprehensive technical expertise in software development, Kubernetes, and cloud-native monitoring/logging.

Part 1: Code Review & Architectural Design

  • Refactor the ProductController so that it only handles HTTP requests and delegates business logic, data access, and other responsibilities to separate classes.
  • Design and implement a feature that allows for adding discount rules to products without modifying existing code in the ProductController.
  • Ensure that the ProductController can handle both a base class called Product and a derived class called DigitalProduct without knowing the difference between them.
  • Define clear interfaces for the various operations that can be performed on a product. Ensure that classes implementing these interfaces aren't forced to implement methods they don't use.
  • Refactor the ProductController and associated classes to depend upon abstractions (e.g., interfaces) rather than concretions (e.g., direct instantiation).
  • Review the ProductController for any code smells, unnecessary redundancies, or unclear naming conventions. Refactor the code to improve its readability and maintainability.

Part 2: Coding Task

1. Database Interaction

  • Implement ORM integration (e.g., Entity Framework) to connect the API to the database.
  • Use the default InMemory DB for entity framework

2. Unit Testing

  • Write unit tests for the CRUD operations and the domain events.
  • Ensure the test coverage is above 80%.

Part 3: Cloud-native Monitoring and Logging

1. Monitoring Task

  • Recommend and justify a monitoring solution for cloud-native applications.
  • Set up alerting thresholds and incident response for critical issues.

2. Logging Task

  • Propose a centralized logging solution for microservices in a cloud-native setting.
  • Describe the integration of application logs with the chosen logging solution.
  • Discuss strategies for log retention, search, and analysis in cloud-native contexts.

Part 4: Kubernetes Assessment

1. Kubernetes Task

  • Detail steps to containerize the developed .NET Core API using Docker.
  • Create Kubernetes deployment and service YAML manifest for the API, using ConfigMaps and Secrets for configurations and sensitive data.
  • Discuss strategies for application updates and rollbacks in Kubernetes.
  • Explain ensuring high availability of the application in a Kubernetes cluster.

2. Kubernetes Architecture

  • Explain the role and benefits of Helm in Kubernetes.
  • Discuss workload segregation in a multi-team Kubernetes environment using namespaces and other techniques.
  • Elaborate on a monitoring and logging strategy in a Kubernetes environment.