
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



  • Objects: Exp, Node, Questions, RFC

  • RFC is a dict, RFs are dicts

  • Exp has .get_path() which returns a sequence of nodes and an RFC



current RFC mechanism

  schema_role_fillers_D, {roles:[fillers] } and 
  filler_properties_D, {filler:{property:value}} 
the get_filler_properties method takes an RFC_str = {"role":"filler"}
  and returns and RFC, which is {"role":filler} = {"role":{"property":"value"}}

make_RFC_bag_full does most of the heavy lifting
it first makes a list of tuples of "role-filler" 
then uses .split('-') method to make a list of RFC_str
then pass these RFC_str to get_filler_properties to make RFC
  • richly filled

more roles and fillers roles that alter transition probabilities are consequential, roles that don't are innocuous.

  • RFC's will continue to only have two aggressors and one victim
  • now also includes: setting.name, victim.emotion, victim.yell, victim.type, drink1.name, drink2.name, drink3.name, dessert.name
  • further ideas

want .get_info() returns str with info about the entities in RFC .query(condition) returns true or false. currently encoding as a string with the info of role.property.bool

node.pr is {subj.viol.true:{nodename:pr,}, subj.viol.false:{nodename:pr,}} should pr and RFC interact better for querying?

  • NB assymetry: str(node)=nodeobj.BEGIN and str(question)=transQ_SHOVE and str(RFC)=subj.bill.vict.olivia