Cover Ignite Node

Chapter II - Challenge

Users Management

Run in Insomnia

ℹ️ Index

📔 About the challenge

In this Challenge we create an Users Management API.

The user needs to be an admin to make the list users works.

📚 API Routes

📌 POST /users

The route must receive name and email inside the request body to be able to create an user.

📌 PATCH /users/:user_id/admin

The route must receive, in the request params, the user id and exchange this user to admin.

📌 GET /users/:user_id

The route must receive, in the request params, the user id and return the user's info found by the response body.

📌 GET /users

The route must receive, in the request header, a properties user_id with the user id and return a list with all users created.

The id must be used to validate if the user who is requesting the list is an admin. The list response only must be done if the user is an admin.

✴️ Tests Specification

📚 Model Test

📌 Should be able to create an user with all props

For this test, you must create a model with the properties below:

  "id": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "admin": "boolean",
  "email": "string",
  "created_at": "Date",
  "updated_at": "Date",

The admin property should be started with false and the id should be automatically generated as uuid.

📚 Repository Tests

📌 Should be able to create new users

For this test, the create method of UsersRepository file needs to receive the user's name and email to create an user from the model.

📌 Should be able to list all users

For this test, the list method of UsersRepository file return a list of all created users.

📌 Should be able to find user by ID

For this test, the findById method of UsersRepository file must recieve the user id and return an user who has the same id.

📌 Should be able to find user by e-mail address

For this test, the findByEmail method of UsersRepository file must recieve the user email and return the user who has the same email.

📌 Should be able to turn an user as admin

For this test, the turnAdmin method of UsersRepository must recieve the whole user object, change the admin property to true, update the updated_at propety and return the updated user.

📚 UseCases Tests

📌 Should be able to create new users

For this test, the execute method of CreateUserUseCase file must recieve the user name and email to be created, create an user through the repository's create method and return the created user.

📌 Should not be able to create new users when email is already taken

For this test, the execute method of CreateUserUseCase file must not allow an user to be created if exist an user with the same email.

If exist an user with the same email retun the error message:

throw new Error("Mensagem do erro");

📌 Should be able to turn an user as admin

For this test, the execute method of TurnUserAdminUseCase file must recieve the user id, call the repository method wich change the user to admin and return the user after the change.

📌 Should not be able to turn a non existing user as admin

For this test, the execute method of TurnUserAdminUseCase file must not allow an user who does not exist to be changed in admin.

If the user does not exist return the error message:

throw new Error("Mensagem do erro");

📌 Should be able to get user profile by ID

For this test, the execute method of ShowUserProfileUseCase file must recieve the user id, call the repository's method wich search an user by id and return the user found.

📌 Should not be able to show profile of a non existing user

For this test, the execute method of ShowUserProfileUseCase file must not allow a non-existing user to be return.

If the user does not exist return the error message:

throw new Error("Mensagem do erro");

📌 Should be able to list all users

For this test, the execute method of ListAllUsersUseCase file must recieve the user id, call the repository's method which return all created users and return this info.

📌 Should not be able to a non admin user get list of all users

For this test, the execute method of ListAllUsersUseCase must not allow an user who is not a admin acess the created users.

If the user is not an admin, return a message error:

throw new Error("Mensagem do erro");

📌 Should not be able to a non existing user get list of all users

For this test, the execute method of ListAllUsersUse Case file must not allow an user does not exist, acess the created users list.

If the user does not exist, return a message error:

throw new Error("Mensagem do erro");

📚 Routes Tests

📝 Route - [POST] /users

📌 Should be able to create new users

For this test, using the proper useCase, the route must create an user and return a status 201 with the created user object.

📌 Should not be able to create new users when email is already taken

For this test, if an error has occurred in useCase, return a response with status 400 and a json with an object { error: "error message" }, where the value of the error property should be the message thrown by the error in useCase.

To catch errors thrown by other files, you can wrap the contents of the controller in a try/catch.

📝 Rota - [PATCH] /users/:user_id/admin

📌 Should be able to turn an user as admin

For this test, using the proper useCase, the route must change an user to admin and return the user changed int the response body.

📌 Should not be able to turn a non existing user as admin

For this test, if an error has occurred in useCase, return a response with status 404 and a json with an object { error: "error message" }, where the value of the error property should be the message thrown by the error in useCase.

📝 Rota - [GET] /users/:user_id

📌 Should be able to get user profile by ID

For this test, using the proper useCase, the route must recieve the user id by route params and return the founded user object in the response body.

📌 Should not be able to show profile of a non existing user

For this test, if an error has occurred in useCase, return a response with status 404 and a json with an object { error: "error message" }, where the value of the error property should be the message thrown by the error in useCase.

📝 Rota - [GET] /users

📌 Should be able to list all users

For this test, using the proper useCase, the route must recieve the admin user id from user_id request header and return a user list created.

📌 Should not be able to a non admin user get list of all users and Should not be able to a non existing user get list of all users

For these tests, if an error has occurred in useCase, return a response with status 400 and a json with an object { error: "error message" }, where the value of the error property should be the message thrown by the error in useCase.

⁉️ The extra mile

Implementation of extra features.

📚 Should not be able to create new users without an email or name

For this test, the execute method of CreateUserUseCase file must not allow an user to be created if the field email or name is empty.

If exist an user with the same email retun the error message:

throw new Error("Mensagem do erro");