
Implementation of the paper "Overcoming Exploration in Reinforcement Learning with Demonstrations" Nair et al. over the HER baselines from OpenAI

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Implementation of the paper "Overcoming Exploration in Reinforcement Learning with Demonstrations" Nair et al. over the HER baselines from OpenAI

Note: This repository is a modification of her baselines from OpenAI


Training with demonstrations helps overcome the exploration problem and achieves a faster and better convergence. The following graphs contrast the difference between training with and without demonstration data, I report the the mean Q values vs Epoch and the Success Rate vs Epoch:

Training results for Fetch Pick and Place task constrasting between training with and without demonstration data.

Clearly, the use of demonstrations enables a faster and better convergence in the Q values as apparent from the graphs. Also the success condition is achieved much faster reaching upto 100% performance just around the 400th epoch whereas in the case without demonstrations even after 1000 iterations the agent hardly reaches 70% success rate. Visit my blog to see the videos. The video shows the agent's learned behavior corresponding to the task of stacking one block on top of the other and other tasks as well.


  1. Install Python 3.5 or higher

  2. Clone the baselines from OpenAI, use the following commit in case of any conflicts - a6b1bc70f156dc45c0da49be8e80941a88021700

  3. Clone this package in your working directory with git clone https://github.com/jangirrishabh/Overcoming-exploration-from-demos.git

  4. Add this package to your PYTHONPATH or if you are not familiar with that alternatively edit sys.path.append('/path/to/Overcoming-exploration-from-demos/') in train.py, play.py and config.py


I'm solving different tasks in two different environments:

  • Fetch robotic environments from OpenAI gym
  • Barret WAM simulation in Gazebo integrated with gym.

The learning algorithm is agnostic of the simulation environment used. With the help of Gym-gazebo, the simulation environment in gazebo can be used as a stanalone gym environment with all the gym functionalities.

Learned behavior on a Barret WAM robotic arm simulation in Gazebo
Learned behavior on a Fetch Arm simulation

File descriptions and Usage

The training paradigm to teach a task to an agent through previously recorded demonstrations involves:

Configure the run parameters at the bottom of the file, select the environment you wish to use by changing the environment name, additional parameters since the her baselines are:

  • '--bc_loss', type=int, default=0, help='whether or not to use the behavior cloning loss as an auxilliary loss'
  • '--q_filter', type=int, default=0, help='whether or not a Q value filter should be used on the Actor outputs'
  • '--num_demo', type=int, default = 0, help='number of expert demo episodes'.

Edit demoFileName = 'your/demo/file' to point to the file that contains your recorded demonstrations To start the training use python experiment/train.py.

The above training paradigm spits out policies as .pkl files after every 5 epochs (can be modified) which we can then replay and evaluate with this file. To play the policy execute python experiments/play.py /path/to/saved/policy.pkl.

All the training hyperparameters can be configured through this file. Feel free to experiment with different combinations and record results.

Contains the main DDPG algorithm with a modified network where the losses are changed based on the whether demonstrations are provided for the task. Basically we maintain a separate demoBuffer and sample from this as well. Following parameters are to be configured here:

  • self.demo_batch_size: Number of demos out of total buffer size (128/1024 default)
  • self.lambda1, self.lambda2: Correspond to the weights given for Q loss and Behavior cloning loss respectively

Major contributions of the paper include the following aspects which I have tried to implement over the HER baselines:

Demonstration Buffer used along with the exploration replay buffer

First, we maintain a second replay buffer RD where we store our demonstration data in the same format as R. In each minibatch, we draw an extra ND examples from RD to use as off-policy replay data for the update step. These examples are included in both the actor and critic update.

self.demo_batch_size = 128 #Number of demo samples

def initDemoBuffer(self, demoDataFile, update_stats=True): 
#To initiaze the demobuffer with the recorded demonstration data. We also normalize the demo data.

def sample_batch(self):
    if self.bc_loss:
        transitions = self.buffer.sample(self.batch_size - self.demo_batch_size)
        global demoBuffer

        transitionsDemo = demoBuffer.sample(self.demo_batch_size)
        for k, values in transitionsDemo.items():
            rolloutV = transitions[k].tolist()
            for v in values:
            transitions[k] = np.array(rolloutV)
        transitions = self.buffer.sample(self.batch_size)

Behavior Cloning Loss applied on the actor's actions

Second, we introduce a new loss computed only on the demonstration examples for training the actor. This loss is a standard loss in imitation learning, but we show that using it as an auxiliary loss for RL improves learning significantly. The loss implementation can be seen in the following code. Refer to the blog for more information on equations.

Q-value filter to account for imperfect demonstrations

We account for the possibility that demonstrations can be suboptimal by applying the behavior cloning loss only to states where the critic Q(s,a) determines that the demonstrator action is better than the actor action. In python this looks like:

self.lambda1 = 0.001
self.lambda2 =  0.0078

def _create_network(self, reuse=False):

	mask = np.concatenate((np.zeros(self.batch_size - self.demo_batch_size), np.ones(self.demo_batch_size)), axis = 0)

	target_Q_pi_tf = self.target.Q_pi_tf
    clip_range = (-self.clip_return, 0. if self.clip_pos_returns else np.inf)
    target_tf = tf.clip_by_value(batch_tf['r'] + self.gamma * target_Q_pi_tf, *clip_range) # y = r + gamma*Q(pi)
    self.Q_loss_tf = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(tf.stop_gradient(target_tf) - self.main.Q_tf)) #(y-Q(critic))^2

    if self.bc_loss ==1 and self.q_filter == 1 :
        maskMain = tf.reshape(tf.boolean_mask(self.main.Q_tf > self.main.Q_pi_tf, mask), [-1]) #where is the demonstrator action better than actor action according to the critic?
        self.cloning_loss_tf = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.boolean_mask(tf.boolean_mask((self.main.pi_tf), mask), maskMain, axis=0) - tf.boolean_mask(tf.boolean_mask((batch_tf['u']), mask), maskMain, axis=0)))
        self.pi_loss_tf = -self.lambda1 * tf.reduce_mean(self.main.Q_pi_tf)
        self.pi_loss_tf += self.lambda1 * self.action_l2 * tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(self.main.pi_tf / self.max_u))
        self.pi_loss_tf += self.lambda2 * self.cloning_loss_tf

    elif self.bc_loss == 1 and self.q_filter == 0:
        self.cloning_loss_tf = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.boolean_mask((self.main.pi_tf), mask) - tf.boolean_mask((batch_tf['u']), mask)))
        self.pi_loss_tf = -self.lambda1 * tf.reduce_mean(self.main.Q_pi_tf)
        self.pi_loss_tf += self.lambda1 * self.action_l2 * tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(self.main.pi_tf / self.max_u))
        self.pi_loss_tf += self.lambda2 * self.cloning_loss_tf

        self.pi_loss_tf = -tf.reduce_mean(self.main.Q_pi_tf)
        self.pi_loss_tf += self.action_l2 * tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(self.main.pi_tf / self.max_u))
        self.cloning_loss_tf = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(self.main.pi_tf - batch_tf['u'])) #random values

Here, we first mask the samples such as to get the cloning loss only on the demonstration samples by using the tf.boolean_mask function. We have 3 types of losses depending on the chosen run-paramters. When using both behavior cloning loss with Q_Filter we create another mask that enables us to apply the behavior cloning loss to only those states where the critic Q(s,a) determines that the demonstrator action is better than the actor action.


In this repository I integrated the barret WAM Gazebo simulation with OpenAI gym using Gym-gazebo. Thus the simulation environment in gazebo can now be used as a stanalone gym environment with all the functionalities. The plan is to first learn the initial policy on a simulation, and then transfer it to the real robot. Exploration in RL can lead to wild actions which are not feasible when working with a physical platform. But, currently, the whole simulation environment for Barret WAM arm developed at Perception and Manipulation group, IRI is not available in open source, thus I will be reporting the results on Fetch Robotics environments available from OpenAI gym.

UPDATE: After writing a script for generating demonstrations in the FetchPickAndPlace environment, training with demonstrations on Fetch environments was possible as well!


The type of tasks I am considering for now (in Barret WAM) are:

  • Learning Inverse Kinemantics (learning how to reach a particular point inside the workspace)
  • Learning to grasp a block and take it to a given goal inside the workspace
  • Learning to stack a block on top of another block
  • Learning to stack 4 blocks on top of each other

For the Fetch robotic environments:

  • Reaching
  • Pick and Place
  • Push (Difficult to generate demonstrations without VR module)

Note: All of these tasks have a sparse reward structure i.e. 0 if the task is complete else a -1.

Generating demonstrations

Currently using a simple python script to generate demonstrations with the help of Inverse IK and Forward IK functionalities already in place for the robot I am using. Thus not all the generated demonstrations are perfect, which is good as our algorithm uses a Q-filter which accounts for all the bad demonstration data. The video below shows the demonstration generating paradigm for a 2 block stacking case, where one of the blocks is already at its goal position and the task involves stacking the second block on top of this block, the goal positions are shown in red in the rviz window next to gazebo (it is way easier to have markers in rviz than gazebo). When the block reaches its goal position the marker turns green.

I provide a script for generating demonstration data for the fetch pick and place task. The file is data_generation/fetch_data_generation.py, and it is easy to modify if you need to generate demonstrations for other tasks.

Visit my blog to see the videos of data generation.

Training details and Hyperparameters

We train the robot with the above shown demonstrations in the buffer. We sample a total of 100 demonstrations/rollouts and in every minibatch sample ND = 128 samples from the demonstrations in a total of N = 1024 samples, the rest of the samples are generated when the arm interacts with the environment. To train the model we use Adam optimizer with learning rate 0.001 for both critic and actor networks. The discount factor is 0.98. To explore during training, we sample random actions uniformly within the action space with a probability of 0.1 at every step, with an additional uniform gaussian noise which is 10% of the maximum value of each action dimension. For details about more hyperparameters, refer to config.py in the source code. Both the environments are trained with the same set of hyperparameters for now in the reported results.