
An R library For Agent-Based Simulations of Demography in Heterogeneus Landscapes

Primary LanguageR

TWoLifR - The Walk of Life, on R

NOTICE: Development on TWoLifR has been discontinued, as the performance of this package does not allow its use in large scale applications. See the TWoLife project for a better alternative.

An R library For Agent-Based Simulations of Demography in Heterogeneus Landscapes

The TWoLife project aims to provide an implementation of the Gillespie algorithm for stochastic population dynamics in continuous time. To install, open R and run


Basic usage

The first object that needs to be created is a Landscape. It defines the environment in which the individuals will live, and consists essentially on a matrix of 1s and 0s indicating where the habitat is favorable, and where it is not (matrix). See ?Landscape for details on how the habitat is generated.

L <- Landscape(type='fahrig', cover=0.4, numb.cells=50, frag=0.01)

Notice that the x and y scales range from -numb.cells/2 to numb.cells/2.

Next, you must create one or more species that will live in this environment. The Species function creates a new species with specified vital rates, such as birth.rate, death.rate, move.rate and movement step size:

S <- Species(L, birth.rate = 1, death.rate = 0.1, move.rate = 1, matrix.death=9)

After that, you can create individuals on this species by using the Individual function, or use the populate function to quickly create a series of individuals. This function is able to place each individual in a position determined by a specified function, for example, it may place 100 individuals uniformly distributed across the landscape:

populate(S, 100, FUN=runif, min=-25, max=25)

Notice that the Landscape object keeps track of every species and individual that is created:


Now, to simulate one step of the the population dynamics, call the function GillespieStep, as many times as wanted. To check the landscape internal clock, access L$clock:

while(L$clock < 10) GillespieStep(L)

Running full simulations

TWoLifR currently comes with some functions to automate running simulations, such as runSSim, that accept all the arguments that can be passed to Landscape, Species and populate, and run a full simulation. To run a simulation similar to the one we constructed above, run

newsim <- runSSim(maxtime=10, N=50, type='fahrig', cover=0.4, 
    numb.cells=50, frag=0.01, birth.rate=1, death.rate=0.1, move.rate=1, 
    matrix.death=9, FUN=runif, min=-25, max=25)

The object generated contains the final state of the landscape, as well as a vector showing total population over time:


TWoLifR implementation details

This R implementation of an individual based model depends heavily on the use of R environments, as they are among the only R objects that allow for a pass-by-reference syntax. It is strongly advised to read Hadley Wickham's chapter on [Environments] (http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Environments.html) before working with this package. The classes Landscape, Species, Individual and linked lists are all implemented as R environments.

The basic data structure used for keeping track of the individuals in a population is a [linked list] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_list), as it is much more efficient to insert and delete values in a specified position of a linked list than it is using vectors. A very basic (fully R) implementation of linked lists is provided in this package; see ?linkedList for details.

To-do lists and issues

  • Currently, the TWoLifR implementation is unable to run simulations with more than one species.
  • Plot function could indicate the last individual that acted?
  • Boundary conditions are not fully implemented (currently implemented: absorptive)
  • Corner-cases and inhomogeneous habitat are not handled by the density calculations
  • Analytics functions are not implemented