
Yet another BibTeX parser

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BibTex Parser

BibTex Parser is a PHP library that provides an API to read .bib files programmatically.

Build Status


composer require renanbr/bibtex-parser

See the changelog.


  1. Create an instance of RenanBr\BibTexParser\ListenerInterface
    • RenanBr\BibTexParser\Listener, described further in this document, implements this interface and provides many options
  2. Create an instance of RenanBr\BibTexParser\Parser
  3. Attach the Listener to the Parser
  4. Parse a file calling parseFile($file)...
    • ... or a string calling parseString($string)
  5. Get data from the Listener (it depends on the interface implementation)
    • RenanBr\BibTexParser\Listener provides the export() method
$listener = new RenanBr\BibTexParser\Listener;
$parser = new RenanBr\BibTexParser\Parser;
$entries = $listener->export();

$entries[0]['type'];         // article
$entries[0]['citation-key']; // Ovadia2011
$entries[0]['title'];        // Managing Citations With Cost-Free Tools
$entries[0]['journal'];      // Behavioral {\&} Social Sciences Librarian

Below we have the example.bib source file used in the sample above.

    author = {Ovadia, Steven},
    doi = {10.1080/01639269.2011.565408},
    issn = {0163-9269},
    journal = {Behavioral {\&} Social Sciences Librarian},
    month = {apr},
    number = {2},
    pages = {107--111},
    title = {Managing Citations With Cost-Free Tools},
    url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01639269.2011.565408},
    volume = {30},
    year = {2011}



class RenanBr\BibTexParser\Parser
     * @throws RenanBr\BibTexParser\ParseException If $file given is not a valid BibTeX.
     * @throws ErrorException If $file given is not readable.
    public function parseFile(string $file): void;

     * @throws RenanBr\BibTexParser\ParseException If $string given is not a valid BibTeX.
    public function parseString(string $string): void;

    public function addListener(RenanBr\BibTexParser\ListenerInterface $listener): void;


interface RenanBr\BibTexParser\ListenerInterface
     * @param string $text The original content of the unit found.
     *                     Escape character will not be sent.
     * @param array $context Contains details of the unit found.
    public function bibTexUnitFound(string $text, array $context): void;

The $context variable explained:

  • The state key contains the current parser's state. It may assume:
    • Parser::TYPE
    • Parser::KEY
    • Parser::RAW_VALUE
    • Parser::BRACED_VALUE
    • Parser::QUOTED_VALUE
    • Parser::ORIGINAL_ENTRY
  • offset contains the text beginning position. It may be useful, for example, to seek a file;
  • length contains the original text length. It may differ from string length sent to the listener because may there are escaped characters.


As you may noticed, this library provides RenanBr\BibTexParser\Listener as a RenanBr\BibTexParser\ListenerInterface implementation. Its features are:

  • export() returns all entries found;
  • It exposes the original entry text in the _original key of each entry;
  • It concatenates tag values;
  • It handles abbreviations;
  • If the first tag has no value, the tag name is interpreted as value of citation-key tag instead.
  • It allows to inject tag value processor through addTagValueProcessor(). Once BibTeX contain LaTeX, this method may be useful to translate them into HTML, for example.
  • It handles tag name case through setTagNameCase()
class RenanBr\BibTexParser\Listener implements RenanBr\BibTexParser\ListenerInterface
     * @return array All entries found during a parsing process.
    public function export(): array;

     * @param int|null $case CASE_LOWER, CASE_UPPER or null (no traitement)
    public function setTagNameCase(int|null $case): void;

     * @param  $processor Function or array of functions to be applied to every member
     *                    of an BibTeX entry. Uses array_walk() internally.
     *                    The suggested signature for each function argument is:
     *                        function (string &$value, string $tag);
     *                    Note that functions will be applied in the same order
     *                    in which they were added.
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
    public function addTagValueProcessor($processor): void;

    /* Inherited and implemented methods */

    public function bibTexUnitFound(string $text, array $context): void;

Tag Value Processors


BibTex recognizes four parts of an author's name: First Von Last Jr. If you would like to parse the author names included in your entries, you can use the RenanBr\BibTexParser\AuthorProcessor class. Before exporting the contents, add this processor:

$listener->addTagValueProcessor(new RenanBr\BibTexParser\Processor\AuthorProcessor());
$entries = $listener->export();

The resulting $entries[0]['author'] will then be an array with each author name separated in the four parts above.