Django Tailwind


  1. Install from this repository using pip:

    pip install
  2. Ensure you have "django.contrib.staticfiles" in your INSTALLED_APPS.

  3. In the project settings, add django_tailwind and django_browser_reload to INSTALLED_APPS:

  4. Include the app URL’s in your root URLconf(s):

    from django.urls import include, path
    urlpatterns = [
        path("__reload__/", include("django_browser_reload.urls")),

    You can use another prefix if required.

  5. Also in the project settings, add the middleware required for django_browser_reload middleware:


    Make sure it's listed after any middleware that encodes the response. Cf. the django_browser_reload documentation.

  6. In the root folder of your project, initialize the Tailwind config file and CSS entrypoint using the management command:

    python tailwind --init
  7. Compile the output CSS file

    python tailwind

The config file will be located in /tailwind.config.js, the CSS entrypoint file in /static/src/styles.css and the CSS output file in /static/dist/styles.css. These paths can be configured in the settings file using the variables TAILWIND_CONFIG_PATH, TAILWIND_STYLES_SRC_PATH and TAILWIND_STYLES_DIST_PATH respectively (pathblib.Path objects are supported).