
Benchmarking experiments of different news recommender systems using GeNeG and its corresponding news corpus.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

GeNeG Benchmarking

Benchmarking experiments of different news recommender systems using GeNeG and its corresponding news corpus.

Recommendation models

  • Content-based recommnders
    • TF-IDF
    • Word2vec
    • Transformer
  • Collaborative filtering recommenders
    • Alternating Least Squares (ALS)
  • Knowledge-aware recommenders
    • RippleNet
    • DKN


Configurations for directories, filepaths, and some model parameters can be set in config.py.

Content-based and collaborative filtering recommendation models

Train a model

python -m src.train

Evaluate a model

python -m src.evaluate


Prepare data for RippleNet

python -m src.preprocess_ripplenet

Train and evaluate RippleNet

python -m src.run_ripplenet


Prepare data for DKN

python -m src.preprocess_dkn

Preprocess news data and train Word2vec model

python -m src.dkn_news_preprocess

Preprocess entity data and train TransX model

python -m src.prepare_data_for_transx
python -m src.transx.train_transe (note: you can also choose other KGE methods)
python -m src.dkn_kg_preprocess

Train and evaluate DKN

python -m src.run_dkn


The data necessary to run the models can be found in the data folder.

The article's content is required to train the content-based recommender systems and to compute recommendations. A sample of the news corpus is available in the data/articles.csv file. Due to copyright policies, this sample does not contain the abstract and body of the articles.

A full version of the news corpus is available upon request.


This code is implemented in Python 3. The requirements can be installed from requirements.txt.

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


The code is licensed under the MIT License. The data and knowledge graph files are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Parts of the code were originally forked and adapted from:

We owe many thanks to the authors of RippleNet-TF2, DKN, and OpenKE for making their codes available.