Chat App with Maps Tracking

Table of contents


React Native Firebase React Navigation

Here is my new github repository that is build an Chat App with User Map Tracking that i named with 'Kuy! Chat', i build this app less than a week :D.

In this project i'am using firebase as database. Why ? because Firebase provides a realtime database and backend as a service. The service provides application developers an API that allows application data to be synchronized across clients and stored on Firebase's cloud.

If u want develope and take a part to make this app more better, feel free to fork or clone this repository and tag me as creator.


  1. node, npm, react-native-cli
  2. This repository, clone into your local disk
  3. Firebase Account
  4. Google Cloud (to make API Maps SDK)

Setting up Firebase

The most important from this app is the database, yes, you must setup the database first at firebase. You can follow the instuctions how to create a real time database here :Create and Integrating Firebase in React Native.

fter you create a real time database at firebase and you got a Web Configuration, you must put the firebase web configuration at this file AuthLoadingScreen

Create and Implement API Maps SDK

To make a new API Maps SDK and Implement it to your react native project, you can follow this instructions : Get API Key

Don't forget after you create a new Maps SDK API, you must put the API to this file : AndroidManifest.xml

Last Step

After you follow the instructions above, now you can go ahead to the last step, follow the instruction as well :

  1. Open the terminal in the project, if u use text editor Visual Studio Code you can do with CTRL + SHIFT + `
  2. Type in the terminal npm install
  3. Then, type react-native link to link all dependencies in this project
  4. And then type react-native run-android to run the project in your phone or emulator, the first be sure you connecting your Android Phone or Emulator with enabling USB Debugging.
  5. Enjoy the app! If you have a question feel free to send me email :