
This is a repository I created to accompany my viewing of "Advanced React & GraphQL".

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a repository I created to accompany my viewing of Advanced React & GraphQL.

Environment Variables

Please go to the directory backend and rename the the file variables.env.sample to variables.env, open the file in an editor and enter the respective information. You will need to change the values for


External services


The backend of this application uses Prisma as its data layer as well as the Prisma Cloud. Please go to the directory backend and run:

npm i -g prisma

This will install the Prisma CLI tool. Then you can run npm run deploy to deploy the data model to the Prisma Cloud. Please configure your


The frontend of this application uses Cloudinary for uploading and resizing images. After you have signed up to Cloudinary as well as created an 'Upload Preset' called 'sickfits', please change the Cloudinary-URI in the method uploadFile of the component CreateItem.


This application uses Stripe to integrate payment processing. Please take a look at stripe docs – Testing to learn more about testing your Stripe integration.

Starting the project on your local computer


Please go to the directory backend and run npm run dev to start the project. Then open http://localhost:4444 in your browser to interact with backend using the GraphQL Playground.


Please go to the directory frontend and run npm run dev to start the project. Open http://localhost:7777 to view it in the browser.

Visual Studio Code Extensions

Visual Studio Code is my current editor. Here is a list of a couple of extensions I use: