
fantacalcio-voti-live is a web dashboard that plots footballer votes over the time. Usually the votes change when events, like penalties, goals, etc, happens during the match.

The dashboard is developed using Python Dash and data are stored in a postgresql database that you can run on docker.

Note: Since season 2023-2024, nodejs and protobufjs are required!

Screenshot of the dashboard: Screenshot of the dashboard



python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


npm install protobufjs

Getting started

Run the Postgresql database in a docker container:

sudo docker run --rm -d --name fantacalcio_db -v $(pwd)/var/fantacalcio_pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data -e POSTGRES_USER=fantallenatore -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -e POSTGRES_DB=fantacalcio_db -p 5432:5432 postgres

Run the scraper on the football teams that are currently playing and that you want to track:

  • --giornata to specify the current match day
  • --until to specify when to stop the scraper
python3 "Empoli" "Cagliari" "Udinese" "Verona" "Genoa" "Salernitana" --giornata 25 --until "17:00"

Run the dashboard:


Access the dashboard locally at

Debug the db

Open a bash in the postgresql container:

sudo docker exec -it fantacalcio_db bash

Log into the db:

psql -U fantallenatore -d fantacalcio_db

Show the tables:

select * from giocatore;
select * from voto;

Run the scraper with crontab

To run the scraper automatically, you can edit crontab with a line similar to the following:

25 18 * * * /path/to/your/fantacalcio-voti-live/ > ~/fantacalcio.log


  • insert in db only if any field is different from last inserted one. Probably you need to store a dictionary (key: player id, value: voto + eventi)
  • deploy on heroku
  • docker-compose
  • show match events on the plot

Take Home

  • Docker volumes to store db
  • plotly and dash to make dashboards
    • callback chains for dropdowns
    • live updates of plots
  • PostgreSQL and pgadmin
    • handling strings with quotes
    • timestamp type
    • ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING for insertion
    • SELECT DISTINCT ON for query unique values
  • Python
    • implement __eq__ for comparing objects