
Exploring tested paths in Python programs

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PathSpotter is a tool for computing and exploring tested paths of Python methods. A tested path of a method represents a set of input values that will make the method behave in the same way, that is, execute the same lines of code.

PathSpotter generates HTML reports like these: calendar, csv, and gzip.


First, create a virtual environment (and activate it):

python3 -m venv .venv			
source .venv/bin/activate

Next, clone and install SpotFlow:

git clone https://github.com/andrehora/spotflow
pip install -e ./spotflow

Then, clone and install PathSpotter:

git clone https://github.com/andrehora/pathspotter
pip install -e ./pathspotter

Quick usage

Let's export the tested paths for the test suite test_gzip of the Python Standard Library. This command generates reports in HTML and CSV formats:

python3 -m spotflow -t gzip -s pathspotter/pathspotter/runner.py -arg gzip test.test_gzip

Then, open the file report_html/gzip/index.html to see an HTML report like this. Open the folder report_csv/gzip to see a CSV report like this.

Usage details

This command runs and monitors a test suite called <test_suite> with SpotFlow and generates PathSpotter reports:

python3 -m spotflow -t <target_sut> -s <pathspotter_script> -arg <report_folder_name> <test_suite>

# Examples
python3 -m spotflow -t gzip -s pathspotter/pathspotter/runner.py -arg gzip test.test_gzip
python3 -m spotflow -t csv -s pathspotter/pathspotter/runner.py -arg csv test.test_csv
python3 -m spotflow -t calendar -s pathspotter/pathspotter/runner.py -arg calendar test.test_calendar

The first argument -t sets the target SUT to be monitored. The second argument -s sets the PathSpotter script that is executed to generate CSV and HTML reports. The third argument -arg sets the report folder name. The final argument (<test_suite>) is the command to execute the test suite.

More reports

See the repository tested_paths_dataset for more reports of popular projects, like Rich, Flask, and Pylint.