
Discord price bot using jup_ag, serenity-rs and shuttle.rs

Primary LanguageRust

Discord Price Bot

An experimental project that uses Rust libraries to create a Discord bot to display crypto token prices from https://jup.ag/ The bot displays the USD equivalent of a given token.

Required env variables:

  • DISCORD_TOKEN: Discord bot token
  • CRYPTO_TOKEN: Pubkey of a token from Jup - https://jup.ag/
  • CRYPTO_TOKEN_NAME: Name of token i.e. BTC, ETH, SOL
  • GUILD_ID: ID of the discord channel

Important crates used:


# Initialize `shuttle` configurations
# Prjects will be hosted at ${project_name}.shuttleapp.rs
cargo shuttle init --serenity

# Start
cargo shuttle project start

# Run the program locally 
cargo shuttle run

# Deploy and run the program 
cargo shuttle deploy