
Primary LanguagePython

Toster clone application

Detail question screenshot

This is a simple toster clone with almost whole its functionality reproduced. The users are able to:

  • sign up and sign in,
  • update their accounts,
  • ask questions,
  • give answers,
  • comment and like questions and answers both.

This application is created using Python and its framework Django.

List questions screenshot

After the registration the users get verification email. Emails are also sent when users sign in or modify thier account data. All the email sending are handled using Celery in order to improve preformance and do all this stuff asyncronously.

Question detail page and profile page contain certain amount of client-side logic which interfere with the application's API. Client side code is written using JavaScript and its library ReactJS. API is created using Django Rest Framework and its extension for nested routing - DRF Nested Routers.

Profile screenshot

In order to make the forms look a little bit prettier I've used Django Bootstrap Form package and also to provide the admin interface with some modern flat appearance Django Flat Theme package was used.

Sign in form screenshot

MySQL was chosen as a database for this project.