
A GenAI news crawler in Ruby leveraging Gemini multimodality ability

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

About ♊️ GemiNews 📰

Self: palladius/gemini-news-crawler (public)

This is a News Slurper that takes News in real time and - hopefully - feeds an LLM with RAG knowledge.

Apps are on Cloud Run:


How can we get an LLM to be updated to today’s news? Gen AI is great at answering questions.. from the past. After the LLM was trained, all you can do is RAG. How about crawling the web for latest news with Gemini for multimodal extraction and offering summarization by your favorite topic? It all gets more exciting thanks to Andrei’s langchainrb gem.

Other Ideas

My idea is to bring slides and a demo, all done in ruby leveraging nokogiri, langchainrb and possibly some capabilities in Langchainrb that Andrei is now building (*).

Slides: explain the overall idea, empathise with audience, show architecture diagram, why we’re here, and make people laugh.

My idea is to build a demo in two parts: A crawler which crawls a few sample web pages, extract information using Gen AI to understand if they’re pertinent to certain topics (eg music, sport, politics, ..) and extract other information (eg Location). Then, RAG-style, I’d feed an LLM and ask questions real time hoping to be able to surprise people with last-week news about different news sections. Like: “How are presidential elections going? What’s the latest news?” What’s latest with the ruby community? .. hoping to retrieve very latest news. Possibly, retrieve similar pictures/articles based on the questions (embedding style).

App info


Autofeed now

  1. cd crawler/ ; $ make crawl-a-lot or make crawl-continuously. This populates XML every 15min (or I get kicked out by the robots :P ) and slurps articles from XML. XML I check on git, articles i dont or theyre too many.
  2. cd webapp ; bundle exec make seed-forever (without bundle wont work). this seeds info from (1) into ActiveRecord, hence DB.
  3. call an async routing to populate - although since v0.1.5 this should happen automatically before save of Article.
  4. This workED: cd webapp ; echo Article.compute_embeddings_for_all | rails c. Note: since I moved from Array to Vector this script is now BROKEN
  • Created secret: projects/272932496670/secrets/geminews-key
  • Mounted on Crun as /geminews-key/geminews-key
  • Now the final bit: GCP_KEY_PATH_FROM_WEBAPP = /geminews-key/geminews-key

esbuild issues

This didnt work:

  • rails-ric webapp
  • this didnt work. Will do again with tailwind but without esbuild
  • rails new "$1" -j esbuild --css tailwind

Lets try a second time🧮

rails new webapp --database=postgresql --css tailwind
rm -rf webapp/.git
git add webapp
  • rails-which-javascript-env should say ESBUILD since i installed it with it :)

Nice to haves

  • Add Gemini function calling for getting News.