Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to my website, apps, games and other related products developed and published by PE Chernov Andrei Alekseevich.

References in this Privacy Policy to “PE Chernov Andrei Alekseevich”, “I”, “my”, “me”, “us” or “our” are references to PE Chernov Andrei Alekseevich registration OGRNIP #319121500021253 from September 26, 2019, INN /TIP 120303231820. The terms “you” and “your” are references to all users (which means you have downloaded one of my Applications or Games) of my applications, games and any visitors to this website.

This Privacy Policy is in addition to any terms, conditions or policies agreed to between you and the store when you purchased and/or downloaded my apps, games and other related products. I am not responsible for the store's collection or use of your user data and information.

I. Collection of Information

  1. I respect and value your privacy. I do not collect personally identifiable information about users of my apps, games or website (your name, address, phone number, email address, precise geographic location etc.). I do not require you to provide any personal information when using my applications/games.

  2. My apps, games and other related products may collect anonymous usage information to help improve the quality of my services, applications and games. This data is anonymous and does not contain any information which may be used to identify a specific user.

  3. My games is built with Unity and uses the Unity In-App Purchases service but Unity Analytics is disabled, device stats at runtime is disabled, performance reporting is disabled. Also I use Firebase events and attribution to track in-game events, in-app purchases. IDFA collection is disabled too. I use special Firebase/AnalyticsWithoutAdIdSupport version for developers of apps that aren’t using AdSupport or subject to AppTrackingTransparency. My third party partners, and their privacy policies are as follows:

  4. If you believe I have inadvertently collected such information, please contact me as fast as possible.

II. Children's Online Privacy Policy

  1. My apps, games, website and other related products comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). I do not knowingly contact or collect personal information from children under 13. If you believe I have inadvertently collected such information, please contact me so I can promptly obtain parental consent or remove the information.

III. Customer Support

  1. If you contact me with a question about my applications or with a support question, I may receive your email address or other information you provide. I use this information only to answer your questions or provide support to you. I may share your support information with my support providers, but only for the purpose of providing support to you and in compliance with this Privacy Policy.

IV. Other Information

  1. Some of my apps/games may contain in-app purchases. Some apps and games have external links to the store where you purchased the app/game to help you to find more about my other apps/games or to my website.

  2. Sometimes I provide links to third-party web sites from my website (not from my applications). I am not responsible for their privacy policy or their content.

V. GDPR Compliance

  1. I collect your personal data only if you contact me (for support or any other reasons). My apps and games do not collect any personal data.

  2. You have the right to request access to the information I have to you. You can also request changes, deletions and corrections. You can do this by contacting me at To comply with your request, I may ask you to verify your identity.

VI. Information Sharing and Disclosure

  1. I also may make identifiable and anonymous information available to third parties in these limited circumstances: (a) with your express consent, (b) when required by law (c) at the request of governmental authorities.

VII. In-app purchases

  1. My apps and games may contain in-app purchases (IAP’s) or Subscriptions

This privacy policy was last updated on July 29, 2022. This privacy policy may change from time to time. I recommend you periodically check this document to be aware of the changes.

If you have any questions or concerns about my privacy policies, please contact me at:


PE Chernov Andrei Alekseevich registration OGRNIP #319121500021253 from September 26, 2019, INN /TIP 120303231820.