
File and stream concatenation the right way.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple module that concatenates files and binary streams with some extras.

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var Kat = require('kat');
var readstream = new Kat();



readstream will emit data, err and end events like a regular readstream should. pause() and resume() can also be called on it.

When you should use this

You might be thinking this module is way too simple to even be a module. I was thinking the same thing until I thought about how this type of module should really work.

There are several node modules where their API allow developers to pass in file data by passing in a file path to a method.

foo.read('myfile.json', function(err, result) {
  // do something with result

These modules are doing it wrong. (With the exception of modules that are used in setup)

In many cases, you will want to have the option to pass in a readable stream of the file. Why? Because with a stream, not only can you give it a local file stream, but it can also be a stream from a remote request. Or even a stream that parses or uncompresses another stream.

// local file
var fs = require('fs');

// remote file
// request conveniently returns a readable stream
var request = require('request');

// compressed file
var fs = require('fs');
var zlib = require('zlib');
var stream = fs.createReadStream('myfile.json').pipe(zlib.createDeflate());

The module could even be used in a server that allows file uploads without the server having to save the entire file to disc.

require('http').createServer(function(req, res) {
  foo.read(req, function(err, result) {
    // respond to res

But ideally, we want to make our module APIs as convenient as possible for other developers. It's really common for a module to receive streams that are local file read streams made with fs.createReadStream. Thus it would be convenient to allow its users to give the module a file path OR a readable stream.

// pass in a file path

// pass in a stream

But what if your module is the type that allows its users to add multiple files to it?

var bar = foo.createBar();

This is where node-kat shines. It easily allows you to convenielize (yes convenielize) your API by allowing users to input file paths, readable streams, and even paths to directories.

var bar = foo.createBar();
var request = require('request');

Now the bar instance will get all the data from the files it needs, in order, and aware of what file or stream it's coming from.


new Kat([file1...], [options])

Creates a new instance of Kat. Passing in files to the constructor is a shortcut to the Kat#add() method. Last argument will be considered options object if not a string or a stream. Options defaults to

// will be used whenever a file is opened
{ flags: 'r'
, encoding: null
, mode: 438

// can be used to select what part of the concatenated file will be read
// even if that means skipping files entirely
, start: 0
, end: Infinity

// if true, will keep reading any additional streams if there is an error
// if false, will stop and destroy all streams as soon as there is one error
, continueOnErr: false

, allowFiles: true
, allowDirs: true
, allowStreams: true
, concurrency: 250

// if true, will emit `end` when it finishes reading all streams
, autoEnd: true


Adds argument list to the list of files that will be concatenated. file can be a string to a path of a file, a folder, or a readable stream. If it's a folder, all files in it will be recursively added alphabetically.


Stops the stream and destroys all underlying file stream.


Event: 'open'

  • number - File descriptor.
  • string - File path.

When a file descriptor is opened, this will be emitted. In case a non-file readable stream is added, filepath will be the item index relative to all other items in the list.

Event: 'close'

  • string - File path.

Emitted when a file descriptor is closed.

Event: 'start'

  • string - File path.

Emitted when the Kat instance starts reading from a stream.

Event: 'end'

Emitted when all streams have been read.

Event: 'files'

  • Array.Object - Will be an array of objects containing a path and size key.

Emitted right before the end event.

[ { path: "/home/user/files/somefile.txt", size: 324 }
, { path: 1, size: 4459 }

Event: 'error'

  • Error

When there is an error opening a file, reading from it, or with a stream.


npm install kat


Tests are written with mocha

npm test
