
This is a collection of open source apps built with React.JS library.

List for Open Source React , Redux apps.

This is a collection of open source apps built with React.JS library.

Open source projects can be useful both for beginners to learn from reading code and for advanced programmers to save time by using existing code. The aim of this collection is to let you pick great projects right away without having to spend hours of searching. Note that React UI components, boilerplates, tools and frameworks are separated out to make this curation specific to full-working apps built with React.

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Real World Apps  

  • it's quiz wall - https://itsquiz.com/
    There are a lot of tutorials and boilerplates showing how to write isomorphic ReactJs applications. But when it comes to real world apps, you'll find that all the turorials do not cover problems that you face in productions apps. In WebbyLab , we have a lot of projects written in react and several isomorphic projects. So, it was decides to develop one of these projects on github. So, everyone can see how real-world production isomorphic app can be implmemented.

  • Sound Redux - https://soundredux.io
    a simple Soundcloud client

  • FaveSound - https://favesound.de
    The SoundCloud Client in React + Redux made with passion! Uses redux, redux-thunk, normalizr, react, lodash-fp, airbnb-extended eslint, enzyme and the Soundcloud API. Comes with a comprehensive guide to get started.

  • Monitaure.io - https://monitaure.io
    A server monitoring progressive web app, made with React and Redux. It uses react, redux, react-router, a Service Worker and the Google Cloud messaging push API to send notifications to desktop computers and mobile phones, Babel and Webpack. Plus other fancy stuff.

Clone Apps

Experimental Apps

  • Remember - https://paulhoughton.github.io/remember/
    Offline web app to remember locations

  • Mortgage - http://paulhoughton.github.io/mortgage/
    Mortgage overpayment calculator using React, Redux and D3 4.0

  • React Calculator - http://benoitvallon.github.io/react-native-nw-react-calculator
    Mobile, desktop and website Apps with the same code This project shows how the source code can be architectured to run on multiple devices. As of now, it is able to run as:

    • iOS & Android Apps (based on react-native)
    • a Desktop App based on NW or based on Electron    * a Website App in any browser (based on react) .    This project uses libraries and tools like:  
    • es6 syntax and babel
    • react for the Website App and Desktop App,
    • react-native for the iOS & Android Apps
    • NW to package the Desktop App
    • Electron to package the Desktop App
    • flux to organize the data flow management
    • css-loader to integrate the styles in the builds
    • grunt to create the builds
    • webpack to help during the development phase with hot reloading