Resources and license

All the resources belongs to their authors, this project is not used for commercial purposes.

Project description

Simple quiz game developed using JavaScript and jQuery library for animations and various effects. Tried to build a version of the "Who wants to be a millionaire" game.

It uses the questions.js file to render the questions on the screen.


  • To win the game, all questions must be answered correctly
  • If answered correctly, the player will advance to the next question
  • If answered wrong, the game ends and display how many correct answers were give

Further futures and fixes

  • First page
  • Retrieve questions from database in JSON format
  • Randomize questions order
  • Implement helpers: call a friend, 50-50 and ask the public options
  • Set levels of difficulty as the game advances closer to finish (star with easy questions, continue with medium level ones and finish having to answer to difficult questions)