A simplistic vim configuration with C++, Markdown, and text editing in mind.
Run the command below in Terminal to install this configuration and all of the plugins.
bash <(curl https://github.com/Anthony1234567/Vimrc1234567/raw/master/install1thru7.sh -L)
Attention! This will replace your current settings and move your old settings to a folder called oldvim in your HOME directory.
This is a list of the plugins used:
- gmarik/Vundle.vim ~ An easy to use plugin manager for vim.
- tpope/vim-markdown ~ Syntax highlighting and filetype plugins for Markdown
- bronson/vim-trailing-whitespace ~ Higlight trailing whitespace
- kien/rainbow_parentheses.vim ~ Parentheses levels by color
- bling/vim-airline ~ A nice status line for vim
- ervandew/supertab ~ Tab insert completion
- Raimondi/delimitMate ~ Auto-close quotes, parens, brackets, etc.
- scrooloose/syntastic ~ Syntax checker for vim
- scrooloose/nerdcommenter ~ Commenting
- nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides ~ Visual display of indent levels
- godlygeek/tabular ~ Align text
- MatlabFilesEdition ~ Syntax highlighting and file support for MATLAB
- scrooloose/nerdtree ~ Explore filesystems in tree representation
- tomasr/molokai ~ Nice theme for Vim
- suan/vim-instant-markdown ~ EXTRA: Instant preview plugin for Markdown
More useful plugins can be found in Vim Awesome
- The plugin require you to download node.js then run the following commands in your terminal
[sudo] npm -g install instant-markdown-d
- If you're on Linux, the
package needs to be installed (is installed by default on Ubuntu). - Copy the
file from this repo into your~/.vim/after/ftplugin/markdown/
(creating directories as necessary), or follow your vim package manager's instructions. - Ensure you have the line
filetype plugin on
in your .vimrc - Open a markdown file in vim and enjoy realtime markdown previewing.
Added C++14 support by uncommenting line 139 in .vimrc file but still syntax error due to well a syntax error
comment out the line highlighted by the cursor\ci
toggle the state of the highlighted lines\cu
uncomment the line that the cursor is highlighting\cs
comment the highlighted using /* and */ rather than the ordinary //
Powerline fonts give the statusline a nicer look but are not required.
More info can be found in the individual documentation to each plugin. Contribute any suggestions for improving this configuration.