
Tip and tricks for building a Cucumber BDD web/mobile automation framework


Tip and tricks for building a Cucumber BDD web/mobile automation framework

Level 1: Features and Scenarios

  • Start with Happy Path and then diverge
  • Use reusable steps
  • Use more declarative steps (leave details for step defs)
  • Describe the WHAT, not the HOW
  • Scenarios should be reusable on different devices, browsers etc.

Level 2: DSL

  • Use imperative fluent Domain Specific Language in step definitions
  • Don’t hardcode anything, use modelling classes
  • Think about your Data Model (Customer)
  • Thing about your Page Domain (use Page Model)
  • Assert a lot of stuff here (in your “should” assertion steps)
  • This is where the models interact with each other (keep it abstract)

Level 3: Domains

  • Data Domain
  • Page Domain
  • Driver Domain

Level 3.1: Data Domain

  • A domain class is like an API
  • A data model class has only attributes, it’s a view layer
  • Use OOP (inheritance etc.)
  • Use factories (builders) for creating different test data

Level 3.2: Page Domain

  • Use Page and Component Model design
  • A page is a class in itself and has attributes (web elements) and actions with these attributes
  • If a page gets too big, create sub components
  • Also, create reusable components (for forms, drop downs, header, footer etc.)
  • Use OOP here (Main Page etc., abstract, interfaces for web/mobile)
  • Use Finders to interact with elements

Level 3.3: Driver domain

  • This is where you customize your web driver that you use to interact with Pages
  • Things like User Agent, Screen Sizes, Browser Types are all handled in here

Level 4: The nitty gritty

  • Finders
  • Helpers
  • etc.

Level 4.1: Finders

  • This is where you customize your browser interactions into more human readable generic methods
  • Eg: searchByInnerText(), searchWithTimeout(), fillAllFormFields(), scrollIntoMiddle(), hoverOver() etc.
  • Mix-up javascript, jquery, selenium etc. into easy methods
  • You reuse finders in all other Pages

Level 4.2: Helpers

  • Helper methods to randomize data, sort, filter, deal with time, dates, databases, anything you can imagine

General Observations

  • Scenario tests should be agnostic to: Browser, Screen Sizes, Environments, Data types
  • For this use configuration and resources files and create different running config profiles
  • Folder structure and naming should be relevant eg: LoginFeature, LoginSteps, LoginPage, login() method
  • Once you have implemented your first step, RUN IT IN A PIPELINE!!!