Installation by default
Metacello new
repository: 'github://andreina-covi/GrammaticalEvolution:master/src';
Installation with visualization
Metacello new
repository: 'github://andreina-covi/GrammaticalEvolution:master/src';
load: #('all')
| a |
a := GEAssertion new seed: 245.
a testClasses: {RSColoredTreePaletteTest};
targetClass: RSColoredTreePalette;
targetSelectors: #(#allLeavesAccessibleFrom:);
packageScope: 'Roassal3*';
folderToExport: '/tmp'.
a run.
To visualize the evolution type the following:
GAEvoViz new
populations: (self allPopulations at: #allLeavesAccessibleFrom:);
populationFileName: '/tmp/RSColoredTreePalette_allLeavesAccessibleFrom_Data.csv';
comparisonSelector: #<;
You need to specify:
- populations through generations,
- .csv file location where the result was exported, and
- like the goal is the decreasing of fitness value we need to specify the
Two files will be exported at the final of execution, the first one is to visualize with GAEvoViz tool and the another one is to give information about:
- the rules that have been used in the initial population
- invalid individuals created in the initial population
- invalid individuals created on mutation
- invalid individuals created on crossover
- best fitness achieved in the final generation
- number of generations
With this information we can also compare different grammars for the same problem and export the comparison on a .csv file typing:
GEGrammarEvolution exportComparisonOf: #('/tmp/G1.csv' '/tmp/G2.csv' '/tmp/G3.csv' ) to: '/tmp/comparisonGrammars.csv'.