
A simple, lightweight module for displaying notifications and loaders in your AngularJS app.

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A simple, lightweight module for displaying notifications and loaders in your AngularJS app.

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This is a personal edit of the ng-notify module, by matowens. For a list of changes, please see the changes section at the bottom.

For the original module, please see: https://github.com/matowens/ng-notify


AngularJS is the only dependency. All animations are CSS-based.


You can install using Bower.

bower install angular-feedback --save

Or, you can download source files straight from this repo, they're located in the dist folder. Just include the minified version of both .js and .css files.


After including feedback.min.js and feedback.min.css, inject the feedback provider into your project.

// inject it in your application module
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['feedback']);

// then inject and use it in your controllers
app.controller('MainCtrl', ['feedback', '$http', function(feedback, $http) {


    $http.get('some/request').success(function () {
        feedback.notify('Your request has completed!');

Now you can trigger notifications and loaders from anywhere in your app.

1. Notifications

To display a notification, just use the notify method.

feedback.notify('Your notification message goes here!');

To specify the type of notification to display, provide the optional type param. (For available types, check the methods below.)

feedback.notify('Your error message goes here!', 'error');

2. Loaders

To display a loader, just use the load method.


To dismiss a loader, or a notification, just use the dismiss method.


Advanced Usage

Set Default Configuration

You can override the default options for all notifications by using the config method. None of these options are required. (For available options, check the config method below.)

    type: 'success',
    duration: 3000,
    sticky: false

Individual Configurations

You can also pass an object of options to individual notifications. You can pass through any combination of the available options here as well. For example:

feedback.notify('Your first message.', {
    type: 'warn',
    duration: 1000

Sticky Notifications

Sticky notifications allow you to set a persistant notification that doesn't fade away. To do this, simply set the sticky attribute to true:

feedback.notify('This is sticky.', {
    sticky: true

This will give the user the option of closing the notification themselves. If you need to dismiss a notification manually, you can do so with the dismiss method like this:


NOTE: Any time a notification is set to sticky, the duration attribute will be ignored since the notification will not be automatically fading out.


config( options )

Sets default settings for all notifications to take into account when displaying.

  • options - object - an object of options that overrides the default settings.
    • type: string - optional - sets the default notification type when a type isn't explicitly set.
      • info (default)
      • error
      • success
      • warn
      • grimace
    • duration: integer - optional - the duration the notification stays visible to the user, in milliseconds.
    • sticky: boolean - optional - determines whether or not the message will fade at the end of the duration or if the message will persist until the user dismisses it themselves. When true, duration will not be set, even if it has a value. (false by default).

notify( message, [type] )

Displays a notification message and sets the formatting/behavioral options for this one notification.

  • message: string - required - the message to display in your notification.
  • type: string - optional - the type of notification to display.
    • info (default)
    • error
    • success
    • warn
    • grimace


Displays a loader element.


Manually removes any notification or loader, by fading them away. The animation is different, depending weather it's a loader or a notification.

Getter helpers


Returns true if there is any type of feedback displayed (notification of loader). Otherwise, returns false.


Returns true if there is loader displayed. Otherwise, returns false.


Returns the value of the sticky option. Defaults to undefined if a loader is active, or no feedback active.


Returns the value of the type option. Defaults to undefined if a loader is active, or no feedback active.


Returns the text message. Defaults to ''.

Browser Support

  • Firefox 34.*
  • Chrome 39.*
  • Internet Explorer 10

Changes to ng-notify

Here is a list of the additions and removals from the original module:

  • Removed the position option. I felt it was something I didn't need anymore, since I have changed the position of the elements. Anyone can override the CSS, to adjust the placement and the styles to their needs.
  • Removed the theme option. Theming the module should be out of scope, from my point of view. The module should not bundle multiple themes. Theming is a presentational concept, so it should be controlled from CSS.
  • Removed dismiss trigger. I prefer to click the whole notification to dismiss.
  • Move all animations to CSS. Its easier and more convenient to control animations from CSS.
  • Add "loader" feature. Usually you display notifications on a callback of a request. And requests often need a loader. So, I felt that these 2 features should go hand-in-hand.
  • Add getter methods. A bunch of public methods were added, to allow devs to query the state and options. Also, very useful for testing.
  • Add unit-tests. 100% code coverage.