
Marketo Email Template boilerplate and builder

Primary LanguageHTML

Marketo Email Template Boilerplate

This boilerplate converts Marketo syntax variables into browser-friendly code
v1 by Andrei Trinidad


Quick start

Run npm install && npm start. This will combine all your components and wrap it with global component.

The Basics


Output.html is your Marketo-ready code that can be pasted in Marketo Email Template editor


The index.html in the root folder is the browser-friendly code that is generated by the script


This component wraps other components inside src/components. This file can be modified to add Marketo variables and other CSS stylings.


This script combines all components inside the src folder


This script fills up all Marketo variables in the template with the default values for faster email template develeopment

Adding a component

Components can be created inside src/components folder and should be added in combine.js

Watch and Live Reload

Saving a file inside the src folder will automatically rebuild the output.html and index.html files. Use VS Code Live Server extension for live reload

Future Roadmap

  • Make everything zero config, running npm start should do it all
  • Fetch all html files in src/components without declaring it in combine.js
  • Add support for external style sheet
  • Add support for MJML
  • Configure .vsconfig for auto VSCode extension installs

PRs are always welcome 😉