Personal Information Management System (PIM)

Goal of this project

The goal of this project is to aggregate all the notes sources into one system. The system will be able to tag the notes and search through text and pictures of text or handwritten text.


I am currently using Notion and Apple Notes to store my digital notes. I am also using GoodNotes on iPad to take handwritten notes for all the courses I am going through. Besides Kindle Books which are easy to annotate and export the notes to Notion, when I am reading physical books, I have no way to export notes into any of the systems I use. Given that, my notes are scattered across different apps and incomplete. I want to have a system that can aggregate all the notes sources into one system.

Technologies used

  • Java 17
  • Spring Boot
  • ReactJS


  • Retrieve all my notes from Notion
  • Create a folder structure for all types of notes
  • Save the images related to Notion notes in the images folder under the folder containing the markdown note
  • Retrieve all my notes from Apple Notes
  • Tag the notes and save them in Markdown format on the HDD
  • Upload pictures of text or handwritten text and save them on the HDD
  • Build a search system to search through the notes
  • Build a search system to search through the pictures of text or handwritten text