
Skeleton project repository for the Logika v računalništvu course

Primary LanguageAgda

General Topology - Logika v računalništvu student project

Project Roadmap


You may not need all of these, but be ready to formalize them as needed:

  • assume excluded middle
  • define subset of X as a map X → Prop (powerset of X is X → Prop, this requires {-# OPTIONS --prop #-})
  • show that the powerset is a complete lattice (given any family of subsets, define their union and intersection)
  • given f : X → Y, define the inverse image map f^* : P(Y) → P(X)
  • direct image map f_* : P(X) → P(Y)
  • subset of a set
  • family of subsets
  • union of a family of subsets
  • inverse image preserves unions and finite intersections
  • countable set

Topologies - N

  • topology on a set
  • topology generated by a base (a family of subsets closed under finite intersections)
  • the base generated by a subbase (close the subbase under finite intersections)
  • examples
    • trivial topology
    • discrete topology
  • partial ordering on the topologies on a set X
  • the trivial topology is the smallest and the discrete topology the largest one
  • topologies on a given set form a complete lattice
  • the topology generated by a subbasis is the least topology that contains the subbasis

Continuous maps - G

  • definition of a continuous map (inverse image preserves opens)
  • identity and constant maps are continuous
  • composition of continuous maps is continuous
  • definition of a homeomorphism

Constructions - N*

  • definition of a subset of a space
  • the subspace topology, and its universal property (smallest topology for which inclusion is continuous)
  • the product of two spaces, and its univeral property
  • the product of a family of spaces, and its universal property
  • the coproduct of two spaces, and its universal property
  • the coproduct of a family of spaces, and its universal property

Covers - G*

  • definition of an open cover of a subset
  • definition of a subcover
  • definition of a finite subcover
  • definition of a refinement of a cover
  • if the topology of X is generated by a basis B, then every open cover has a refinement consisting of basic open sets

Properties of spaces - K*

  • Hausdorff space
  • 2-countable space (the topology is generated by a countable set of opens)
  • 0-dimensional space (has a basis of open-closed/clopen subsets)


  • compact subset (every open cover has a finite subcover)
  • finite subset if compact
  • a continuous image of a compact subset is compact
  • the compact subsets of a discrete space are the finite subsets
  • closed subset of a compact space is compact
  • compact subset of a Hausdorff space is closed

Cantor space 𝕂

  • Cantor space 𝕂 (the set ℕ → 2 with product topology)
  • 𝕂 is Hausdorff
  • 𝕂 is compact
  • 𝕂 is 2-countable
  • 𝕂 is 0-dimensional
  • 𝕂 × K is homeomorphic to 𝕂
  • 𝕂 is homogeneous (for any α, β ∈ 𝕂 there is a homeomorphism h : 𝕂 → 𝕂 such that h α = β

Sierpinski space 𝕊

  • Sierpinski space ({⊥, ⊤} with topology {∅, {⊤}, {⊥, ⊤}})
  • Sierpinski space is T₀ (if two points have the same neighborhoods then they are equal)
  • Sierpinski space is compact
  • Sierpinski space is not Hausdorff
  • Sierpinski space characterizes open sets (continuous maps X → 𝕊 are in bijective correspondence with open subsets of X)