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This library is written in Kotlin. However, it's perfectly compatible with Java. You will find examples for both languages below.


Add the following dependency to your project:

repositories {
    maven { url '' }
compile "com.github.bringmeister:aws-kinesis-spring-boot-starter:+"

Note: See above for the latest version available!


In order to use this library you need to configure some properties in your application.yml. The following shows the minimal required configuration. This configuration will allow you to send and receive messages.

    region: eu-central-1
    consumer-group: example-service
    aws-account-id: "000000000000"
    iam-role-to-assume: ExampleKinesisRole

Configuration Guide

Local development

Before your application goes live you typically want to develop and test your code locally. To do so, we have used Docker. You find a docker-compose.yml file in the root of this project. Run docker-compose up in order to start Kinesis (and DynamoDB).

The configuration for local development looks like this:

    region: local
    kinesis-url: http://localhost:14567
    consumer-group: example-service
    aws-account-id: "222222222222"
    iam-role-to-assume: ExampleKinesisRole
    createStreams: true
      url: http://localhost:14568

Any stream used in your application will be created (as soon as it is used first) if it does not exist.

Also, you must enable a Spring profile (kinesis-local):

    include: kinesis-local

You can also see JavaListenerTest and KotlinListenerTest.kt for running examples. Both tests will use the same Docker images in order to send and receive messages.

Creating streams automatically

You can create streams automatically by turning the create-streams flag on:

    create-streams: true

By default, create-streams will be turned-off. So if you don't specify anything, no streams will be created.

Configuring initial position in stream

You can use one of following values:

  • LATEST: Start after the most recent data record (fetch new data).
  • TRIM_HORIZON: Start from the oldest available data record.
    initial-position-in-stream: TRIM_HORIZON

If you don't specify anything, by default, LATEST value will be used.

Configuring listeners

You can configure listeners in order to use a dedicated role and account for a stream.

      - stream-name: my-special-stream
        aws-account-id: "111111111111"
        iam-role-to-assume: SpecialKinesisConsumer

By default, events won't be retried. When the processing of an event fails (can't be deserialized for example), it will be skipped and the next event will be processed. Retrying of events can be activated in the configuration like this:

        maxRetries: 5
        backoffTimeInMilliSeconds: 1000 // wait 1 second between retries

Configure producers

You can configure producers in order to use a dedicated role and account for a stream.

      - stream-name: my-special-stream
        aws-account-id: "111111111111"
        iam-role-to-assume: SpecialKinesisConsumer


Publishing messages

Inject the AwsKinesisOutboundGateway wherever you like and pass stream name, data (the actual payload) and metadata to the send()-method.

Java example:

public class MyService {

    private final AwsKinesisOutboundGateway gateway;

    public MyService(AwsKinesisOutboundGateway gateway) {
        this.gateway = gateway;

    public void sendMyMessage() {
        Record record = new Record(new MyMessage("my content"), new MyMetadata("my metadata"));
        gateway.send("my-stream", record); 

See for an example.

Kotlin example:

class MyService(private val gateway: AwsKinesisOutboundGateway) {
    fun sendMyMessage() {        
        val record = Record(MyMessage("my content"), MyMetadata("my metadata"))
        gateway.send("my-stream", record)

See KotlinListenerTest.kt for an example.

The event will be marshalled as JSON using Jackson and send to the Kinesis stream using the credentials defined in the application.yml.

    "data":"my content",
    "metadata":"my metadata"

Consuming messages

In order to consume messages, you need to annotate your listener method with the KinesisListener annotation. Your class must be a Spring Bean annotated withg @Service or @Component. It will be picked-up automatically and registered as a listener. The listener method must take two arguments - one for the actual data and one for the meta data.

Java example:

public class MyKinesisListener {

    @KinesisListener(stream = "foo-stream")
    public void handle(MyData data, MyMetadata metadata) {
        System.out.println(data + ", " + metadata);

See for an example.

Kotlin example:

class MyKinesisListener {

    @KinesisListener(stream = "foo-stream")
    override fun handle(data: MyData, metadata: MyMetadata) = println("$data, $metadata")

See KotlinListenerTest.kt for an example.

Developer Guide

We're using the official Kotlin Style Guide to format our code. Follow the link below for more information and instructions on how to configure the IntelliJ formatter according to this style guide.
