
The aim of this task is to test your engineering and problem solving ability.

We have provided for you a mocked out version of an endpoints for a posts, comments and users.

An example API call looks as follows:

import { getPosts } from './data';

getPosts().then((posts) => {

Note! The delay between calling API and receiving an answer is random, meaning you cannot assume that calls will respond in the same order they were called. This is to simulate variance in response time of real server requests.

All API mocks can be found in this file.

Your task

Write a vanilla (no frameworks/scaffolding) SPA solution which allows for navigation and rendering of

  • Comments by Post (authors name displayed with comment)
    • e.g. Select post and list comments with Author names
  • Posts by Author (authors name displayed)
    • e.g. List all posts by selected Author
  • Comments by Author
    • e.g. List all comments by selected Author alongside the post title the comment belongs to

What we are looking for

A working and production ready solution that is efficient and performant.

Extra points for TypeScript and any decent styling.

Happy coding!