Cost Explorer Alternative with AWS Quicksight



  • Sign in into your AWS master account with admin permissions
  • Execute following SAM commands to build and deploy the cft
    sam build
    sam deploy --guided
    Execution example of sam deploy guided
  • Get the output value LambdaIAMRoleParameter as show here Output section of the deployed cft
  • Replace the placeholder <ROLE_ARN> in the following command with the value of the previous step and execute it
aws cloudformation create-stack-set \
    --stack-set-name quicksight-data \
    --template-body file://stackset_cft.yml \
    --permission-model SERVICE_MANAGED \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
    --auto-deployment Enabled=true,RetainStacksOnAccountRemoval=true \
    --parameters ParameterKey=LambdaIAMRoleParameter,ParameterValue=$ROLE_ARN \
    --description "Create QuickSight Buckets in all linked account"

Now provide your OUs where you want to create the buckets for QuickSight data

aws cloudformation create-stack-instances \
    --stack-set-name quicksight-data \
    --deployment-targets OrganizationalUnitIds=$ORG_UNITS \
    --regions eu-west-1

Using Quicksight in the linked account

Read the document Getting Started Linked Account