
A basic Django REST API (with a 90s TV show theme)

Primary LanguagePython

A basic Django REST API

A basic Django REST API with the Django djangorestframework (with a 90s music theme)

The JSON response can be accessed via

Run locally

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Make sure you have poetry (python environment and dependency manager) installed.
  3. In the project folder run poetry install to install dependencies.
  4. Run poetry shell to open a new shell with all dependencies available.
  5. Run cd backend && python manage.py runserver
  6. Go to to view the JSON response


  • Frontend to be deployed on Netlify...
  • Backend



See the DATABASES entry in backend/settings.py


  • djangorestframework
  • Data model serialization (see shows/views.py)

Connect API to Frontend

  • Fetch API data from backend via a React App

Re-create this project

Further guides

  • DEPLOYMENT.md: How to deploy this Django project to Heroku
  • ENV_FILES.md: How to secure your app in production with an .env file