
express api for SEI Flex

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MTECH Bootcamp Demo

To run the api, firstly ensure MongoDB is installed and running locally. To see how to do this follow these instructions

Mongo DB and Aliases

add an alias to the .zshrc file to be able to create shortcuts for commands

  • to start mongo: alias startmongo="brew services start mongodb-community"
  • to stop mongo: alias killmongo="brew services stop mongodb-community@"

Once the database is running locally:

  1. Install dependencies - npm install
  2. Seed the database - npm run seed
  3. Start the server - npm run start:server

It may help to have nodemon installed globally on your machine

npm i -g nodemon

Once the server is running and successfully connected to the database, you will be able to test making requests to the api using postman.

Try sending a request to http://localhost:3000/api/movies and you should see data returned

Lesson 9 Instructions:

  1. Build the home page with them to show them how to fetch data locally
  2. Show them wireframing tools - Balsamiq
  3. Set up a trello board
  4. Put them in groups
  5. One person should push their classwork into a git repo and all of them should pull it down
  6. Get them to write tickets and work together to start creating a fontend

Hosting on Heroku (backend) + MongoDB Atlas (database)

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