
A tiny example to demonstrate how the TypeScript compiler `tsc` compiles files to JavaScript

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Minimal TypeScript example

TypeScript is a super set of JavaScript. It adds static typing to JavaScript. TypeScript is compiled to JavaScript.

TypeScript in VSCode and in the browser


  1. Install the typescript dependency by running yarn in this folder
  2. Run yarn build to compile the typescript file to javascript
  3. Run node index.js to run the compiled application


This codebase demonstrates how the TypeScript compiler tsc compiles index.ts (using modern JavaScript syntax)

type Person = {
  name: string;
  age?: number;
const person1 = {
  name: "Andre",
  age: 16,

const getPersonDetails = (person: Person) => {
  return person.age !== undefined
    ? `${person.name}: ${person.age} years`
    : person.name;


into the following JavaScript file index.js (ECMAScript version 3 - published in December 2009):

"use strict";
var person1 = {
    name: "Andre",
    age: 16
var getPersonDetails = function (person) {
    return person.age !== undefined
        ? "".concat(person.name, ": ").concat(person.age, " years")
        : person.name;


Running yarn build-and-run combines two commands which do the following:

  1. tsc --project .: Run the TypeScript compiler tsc to compile index.ts (TypeScript) to index.js (JavaScript).
  2. node index.js: The node script index.js is then directly run in the command line.

Things to play around with

Change ECMAScript target version of TypeScript compiler

  1. In tsconfig.json change "target": "ES3", to "target": "ES6",
  2. Run the build-and-run script (i.e. yarn build-and-run)
  3. Which differences do you observe in index.js?

How does TypeScript compile an enum ?

  1. In index.ts add the following enum:
enum Lang {

const lang = Lang.en;
  1. Run the build script (i.e. yarn build);
  2. What appeared in index.js?