Primary LanguageJava

To compile in LINUX:
	- using a terminal, navigate to the project's root folder and type "sh compile.sh"
To compile in WINDOWS:
	- navigate to the project's root folder
	- create a folder named "bin"
	- open a terminal in that directory (root folder) and type the following command:
		"javac -d bin -sourcepath src -encoding ISO-8859-1 src/backupservice/cli/BackupServiceCLI.java src/backupservice/cli/TestApp.java"

To run the peer:
	- navigate to the project's "bin" folder
	- open a terminal in that directory and type the following command:
		"java backupservice.cli.BackupServiceCLI <peer_id> <mc_addr> <mc_port> <mdb_addr> <mdb_port> <mdr_addr> <mdr_port> <enhanced_mode>"

	Argument description:
		peer_id - Integer representing the peer’s unique identifier
		mc_addr - IP address of the CONTROL channel
		mc_port – port of the CONTROL channel
		mdb_addr – IP address of the BACKUP channel
		mdb_port – port of the BACKUP channel
		mdr_addr – IP address of the RESTORE channel
		mdr_port – port for the RESTORE channel
		enhanced_mode – 0/1 to turn enhanced mode off/on, respectively. If "0", uses protocol version 1.0, if "1", uses protocol version "2.3" described in the "protocol.pdf" document inside the "docs" folder of the project.

To run the TestApp:
	- navigate to the project's "bin" folder
	- open a terminal in that directory and type the following command:
		"java backupservice.cli.TestApp <peer_app> <sub-protocol> <opnd_1> <opnd_2>"

	Argument description:
		peer_app – local peer access point
		sub-protocol – can be BACKUP, RESTORE, RECLAIM, DELETE or EXIT
		opnd_1 – path name of the file or amount of space to be reclaim
		opnd_2 – specifies the desired replication degree. Applies only to backup sub-protocol
	IMPORTANT NOTE: since the specification did not specify wether the RECLAIM protocol argument should be the ammount of bytes to "clear" or the maximmum total backup size, we established that it should be the second, which means, using "RESTORE 3000" in the TestApp guarantees that the system doesn't have more than 3000 bytes of files backed up for other peers

Description of local files created by the peer application:
	- backups  -> Saves every backup related to peers. The chunks are stored under a folder identified by peer unique identifier.
	- log      -> Stores every information generated by program. Since the start of the communication to messages changed by peers as information about files.
	- metada   -> Saves the info about a backup operation. All the information processed by backup like own files, peers files, fileID, file path and chunks are concentrated here.