
A small demo showcasing how to use server-sent events with Remix.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Server-sent events with Remix

This is a demo of a real-time chat that uses server-sent events (SSE) with Remix.

How it works

In app/routes/index.tsx, we have a useEffect that creates a new EventSource to create a connection to a server-sent event endpoint. We then listen for the message event and update the state with the message.

The SEE endpoint is defined in app/routes/sse.tsx. The module is a resource route for incoming GET requests. We utilize Remix's loader function to return a Response object with the text/event-stream content type. We then use ReadableStream to create a stream of data that we can send to the client. We iteratively check for new messages and send them to the client (only if there are new messages).

Shout-out to epeterson320 and tylermmorton who showcased working examples how to use a loader function for SSE.

Running the demo

npm install
npm run dev