
install and configure postgresql

Primary LanguageJinjaMIT LicenseMIT


Last test


Use this role to provision postgresql


This role requires ubuntu

Role Variables

The default set of variables can be used to provision databases, users and privileges and set the listen_addresses. If necessary, you can also install additional postgres packages.

postgresql_listen: ""
- postgis
- osm2pgsql
- name: test
  encoding: UTF-8
  state: present
  - name: schemaone
    state: present
  - name: schematwo
    state: present
  - name: postgis
    #schema: schemaone
    state: present
    cascade: true
    version: latest
- name: testuser
  password: 1234test
  state: present
  role_attr_flags: CREATEDB,NOSUPERUSER # allow user to create databases and schemas
  - database: test
    privs: "All"
    state: present
  - cidr:
    database: test
    state: present

Example Playbook

- hosts: postgresql
  become: yes
     - { role: andrelohmann.postgresql }

Role Development

Special purpose

This repository supports the following features for the role development:

  • yamllint
  • ansible-lint
  • molecule test
  • github action
  • auto version-up
  • update ansible-galaxy
  • show build status
  • test within vagrant (for development purose)
  • test with molecule (inside or outside vagrant)
  • test against docker container
  • test and develop inside vscode



  • Virtualbox + Vagrant installed (only necessary, if the role should be tested with vargant as well)
  • Docker Desktop
  • VisualStudioCode + remote extensionpack (dependencies are defined within .vscode/extensions.json)


This ansible role is developed using molecule for testing. It's development is based on visual studio code and a regarding development container, solving all dependencies in terms of necessary tools (ansible, linter, molecule).

The role will be tested on three ubuntu containers (bionic, focal, jammy).

To startup the molecule test containers from within the development container, the docker socket needs to be bind mounted into the development container.

Important folders and files

  • Defines the Dockerfile for the development container
  • Configures the development container startup (e.g. bind mount docker socket)
  • Used as a template for all platforms defined in molecule/default/molecule.yml
  • Prepares the environments to support systemd services (necessary for some ansible roles acting on systemd)
  • Installs all requirements to run ansible against the derived container
  • The file is aligned with the attributes of the platforms in molecule/default/molecule.yml
  • For more information - study the molecule documentation


Visual Studio Code

  • Change to the root directory of your role and start vscode
code .
  • From within the development container you can use the following run commands
yamllint .
ansible-lint .
molecule create
molecule test

Vagrant + Virtualbox

  • Change to the root directory of your role
  • Change to the vagrant folder
  • Start and enter the vagrant machine
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
  • Change to the role folder
cd /etc/ansible/roles/ansible-role- [tab]
  • Now you can run all tests
yamllint .
ansible-lint .
molecule create
molecule test

Build and Release process

The ansible role defines a bunch of github workflows to run molecule test and release management.

The release management requires a handful of settings.

Protecting the master/main branch

  • Settings -> Branches -> Add branch protection rule
  • Branch pattern name -> main or mster (depending on your default branch)
  • Protect matching branches -> chek "Require a pull request before merging"
  • "Require approvals" can be individually handled as required

Give read and write permissions to GITHUB_TOKEN

  • Settings -> Actions -> General -> Workflow permissions -> read and write permissions

Commit messages

Commit messages should follow a special format to achieve a patch, minor or major semantic versioning update.



fix(single_word): description


feat(single_word): description


perf(single_word): description
BREAKING CHANGE: describing the breaking change

It's absolutely important, that "BREAKING CHANGE: " is mentioned in the second+ line. On single line commit messages, the major version update will be ignored.


  • Authenticate yourself with your github account at https://galaxy.ansible.com/.
  • Fetch galaxy api key from Preferences -> API Key
  • Open your github role repository
  • Settings -> Secrets and variables -> Actions -> New repository secret
  • Use "GALAXY_API_KEY" as key and the copied galaxy API key as value



Author Information

© Andre Lohmann (and others) 2023


Maintainer Contact

  • Andre Lohmann <lohmann.andre (at) gmail (dot) com>