
Coding challenge for candidates

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

App Code Challenge

Coding challenge for new candidates.


Create a native mobile application with the following criteria:

1 - Try to simulate a real application project with the best programming practices.
2 - Use any tool or framework that you would use in a real project. Please, provide an explanation for using it.
3 - Design the interface using best practices for the platform.
4 - Add instructions of how to run your application.
5 - Send your project as a ZIP file or GitHub repository.

Acceptance Criteria

Create an app that tries to simulate a Cloud storage application (e.g. Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive).

The app should:
1 - Show the list of files and folders loaded from the data model (data.json).
2 - Give the option to star/favourite a file or folder.
3 - Permit the user to navigate between folders.
4 - Permit the user to click on a file or a folder. If the file is selected, it opens a screen with the name of the file. If the folder is selected, it should open a list of files in it.
5 - Have a "Favorites" screen where users can see their favourite files or folders.