
#OSINT tool for finding Github repositories by extracting commit logs in real time from the Github event API

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Commit Stream

commit-stream drinks commit logs from the Github event firehose exposing the author details (name and email address) associated with Github repositories in real time.

OSINT / Recon uses for Redteamers / Bug bounty hunters:

  • Uncover repositories which employees of a target company is commiting code (filter by email domain)
  • Identify repositories belonging to an individual (filter by author name)
  • Chain with other tools such as trufflehog to extract secrets in uncovered repositories.




Compiled 64-bit executable files for Windows, Mac and Linux are available here

Go get

If you would prefer to build yourself (and Go is setup correctly):

go get -u github.com/x1sec/commit-stream

Building from source

go get && go build


  commit-stream [OPTIONS]

  -e, --email        Match email addresses field (specify multiple with comma). Omit to match all.
  -n, --name         Match author name field (specify multiple with comma). Omit to match all.
  -t, --token        Github token (if not specified, will use environment variable 'CSTREAM_TOKEN')
  -a  --all-commits  Search through previous commit history (default: false)
  -i  --ignore-priv  Ignore noreply.github.com private email addresses (default: false)  

commit-stream requires a Github personal access token to be used. You can generate a token navigating in Github [Settings / Developer Settings / Personal Access Tokens] then selecting 'Generate new token'. Nothing here needs to be selected, just enter the name of the token and click generate.

Once the token has been created, the recommended method is to set it via an environment variable CSTREAM_TOKEN:

export CSTREAM_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxx

Alternatively, the --token switch maybe used when invoking the program, e.g:

./commit-stream --token xxxxxxxxxx

When running commit-stream with no options, it will immediately dump author details and the associated repositories in CSV format to the terminal. Filtering options are available.

To filter by email domain:

./commit-stream --email '@company.com'

To filter by author name:

./commit-stream --name 'John Smith'

Multiple keywords can be specified with a , character. e.g.

./commit-stream --email '@telsa.com,@ford.com'

It is possible to search upto 20 previous commits for the filter keywords by specifying --all-commits. This may increase the likelihood of a positive matches.

Email addresses that have been set to private (@users.noreply.github.com) can be ommited by specifying --ignore-priv. This is useful to reduce the volume of data collected if running the tool for an extended period of time.


Some inspiration was taken from @Darkport's ssshgit excellent tool to extract secrets from Github in real-time. commit-stream's objective is slightly different as it focuses on extracting the 'meta-data' as opposed to the content of the repositories.


Github provides the ability to prevent email addresses from being exposed. In the Github settings select Keep my email addresses private and Block command line pushes that expose my email under the Email options.

As only one token is used this software does not breach any terms of use with Github. That said, use at your own risk. The author does not hold any responsibility for it's usage.