
HW 1

Choose an application domain and, using a relational DBMS, build a database: Get interesting data from the Web or other sources and build a relational database using such data. Then formulate a set of SQL queries (about 8-10) over the relational schema. Execute such queries over the database and analyze the results.

HW 2

Starting from the database developed in the first homework, every group has to identify at least 2*n SQL queries (where n is the number of students in the group) that pose performance problems to the DBMS. The students have to show how the use of indices and/or views and/or integrity constraints and/or query reformulation and/or schema restructuring makes query execution significantly faster on the DBMS.

HW 3

Use a NoSQL tool to manage and query a dataset (MongoDB). Ideally, the groups should use the same dataset as the one used in the first (and/or second) homework.