
BlazingBlog - A fullstack blog web app using Asp.Net Core Blazor Server & EF Core - .Net 7

Primary LanguageHTML

BlazingBlog - A fullstack Blog Web App using Blazor Server

BlazingBlog - A fullstack blog web app using Blazor Server, EF Core and SQL Server- .Net 7


Home Page


Blog Post Detail Page


Manage Categories Page


Manage Blog Posts Page


Create/Edit Blog Post Page


To Run Locally

  • Clone the Repo git clone https://github.com/Abhayprince/BlazingChat

  • Restore the packages (Rebuild the solution)

  • Change the Database connection string in appsettings.Development.json file in the Project

    "ConnectionStrings": {
        "Blog": "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=BlazingBlog;Integrated Security=True; Trusted_Connection=True;Encrypt=False"
  • Run the migrations - to update the database using following Package Manager Console Command


  • Run the solution

  • Congratulations, BlazingBlog app is running

Live Coding Video Series of Blazing Chat

If you want to see this project build with live coding, checkout the detailed video series on my youtube channel

Building Blog App with Blazor Server - YouTube

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