
Bootstrap style library for React Native

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Native Bootstrap Styles

React Native Bootstrap Styles

npm version

Bootstrap style library for React Native.

Original class names are transformed from "dashed" to "camelcase" format, for example: text-center to textCenter and my-sm-4 to 'mySm4'. Also all the constants (variables in terms of Bootstrap) could be accessible in templates. It helps to make custom tweaks preserving styling guidelines, for example: {fontSize: 10 * FONT_SIZE_BASE}.

Documentation with snippets and live samples: alpha version.

Basic "Hello world" example:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
import BootstrapStyleSheet from 'react-native-bootstrap-styles';

const bootstrapStyleSheet = new BootstrapStyleSheet();
const { s, c } = bootstrapStyleSheet;

class Hello extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={[s.body]}>
        <Text style={[s.text, s.textPrimary]}>Hello world! 🤓🚀🚀🚀</Text>

Advanced "Hello world" example with custom styles:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { View, Text } from 'react-native';
import BootstrapStyleSheet from 'react-native-bootstrap-styles';

  BODY_COLOR = '#000022',
  TEXT_PRIMARY = '#882288';

// custom constants
const constants = {

// custom classes
const classes = {
  title: {
    color: 'red',

const bootstrapStyleSheet = new BootstrapStyleSheet(constants, classes);
const { styles: s, constants: c } = bootstrapStyleSheet;

class Hello extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={[s.body]}>
        <View style={[s.container, s.h100, s.justifyContentCenter]}>
          <Text style={[s.text, s.title]}>Hello world!</Text>
          <Text style={[s.text, s.textPrimary, s.myXs1, s.myMd3]}>Hello second world!</Text>
          <Text style={[s.text, s.py3, {fontSize: 5 * c.REM}]}>🤓🚀🚀🚀</Text>


Bootstrap renamed constants to variables some time ago.
No renaming here for now. See actual example above.

Check the full list of constants in the source code:

Extra dynamic parameters available as constants or properties of the bootstrapStyleSheet object:

DIMENSIONS_MAX, //  ex. 1334
MODE_LIGHT, // ex. false
MODE_DARK, // ex. true
SCREENS, // ['Xs', 'Md']
SCREEN, // ex. 'Md'


Styles, containing "media queries", are automatically updated on dimentions, orientaion and mode changes. There is nothing to bother about, except one little thing. Components should be forced to re-render with the updated styles. That's where the events could be helpful:

  • addDimensionsListener
  • addOrientationListener (portrait/landscape)
  • addModeListener (light/dark)**

Here is an example:

class App extends Component {

  componentDidMount() {
    bootstrapStyleSheet.addDimensionsListener(data => {
      // params are accessible
      // const dimensions = data;

      // direct call
      // this.forceUpdate();

      // or via state change
      // this.setState({update: me})

      // or via redux state change
      // dispatch('NAME', {update: me})

  render() {
    // poor pattern, supposed to be passed in state or props
    const width = bootstrapStyleSheet.DIMENSIONS_WIDTH

    return (
      <View style={s.container}>
        <Text style={[s.mediaDependentClass]}>Screen width: {width}</Text>

** extra package should be installed: react-native-appearance.


Simplified version of the original layout classes. Any ideas how to extend grid classes are welcome.

Impelemented features: .container-*, .gutters-*, .no-gutters-*. .row-{screen}-{n}, .col-{screen}-{n}.
Among non-impelemented features: .row-cols-*, .offset-*-*, .order-*-*.


As there is no such things as "tag-based" styles, "inheritance" and "nesting" for styles in React Native. Extra text classes defined, that should be applied to all Text tags, for example:

<Text style="{[s.text]}">Text</Text>
<Text style="{[s.text, s.textSmall]}">Text</Text>
<Text style="{[s.text, s.textMuted]}">Text</Text>
<Text style="{[s.text, s.textWhite]}">Text</Text>
<Text style="{[s.text, s.textBlack50]}">Text</Text>

Text styles for elements already include base s.text style instructions and can be used without it:

<Text style="{[s.btnText]}">Button text</Text>
<Text style="{[s.formText]}">Form text</Text>
<Text style="{[s.formLabelText]}">Form label text</Text>
<Text style="{[s.navLinkText]}">Nav link</Text>

Content and Utilities

Check the related chapter in the Bootstrap documentation to get the list of all the utilities.

What's implemented or near to:

  • align
  • background
  • borders
  • display
  • flex
  • sizing
  • spacing
  • text


  • tables


Bootstrap calls them components. The term is changed to not mess with React components. Check the related chapter in the Bootstrap documentation to get the list of all the elements (ie components).

What's implemented or neat to:

  • buttons
  • cards
  • forms
  • modal
  • pagination
  • progress


TouchableHighlight as button:

<TouchableHighlight onPress={this.onPress} style=[{s.btnTouchable}]>
  <View style={[s.btn, s.btnPrimary]}>
    <Text style={[s.btnText, s.btnPrimaryText]}>Signup</Text>

Links as default and outline buttons with some optional tweaks (see underlayColor):

// import { Link } from 'react-router-native';
<Link to="/submit" component={TouchableHighlight} underlayColor={c.BLACK} style={[s.btnTouchable]}>
  <View style={[s.btn, s.btnPrimary]}>
    <Text style={[s.btnText, s.btnPrimaryText]}>Submit</Text>

<Link to="/cancel" component={TouchableHighlight} underlayColor={c.BLACK} style={[s.btnTouchable, s.mt3]}>
  <View style={[s.btn, s.btnOutlinePrimary]}>
    <Text style={[s.btnText, s.btnOutlinePrimaryText]}>Cancel</Text>


Basic card:

<View style={[s.card]}>
  <View style={[s.cardBody]}>
    <Text style={[s.text]}>Hello Card!</Text>


Basic modal (temporal approach, till higher level component added to the lib):

  <View style={[s.modal]}>
    <View style={[s.modalDialog]}>
      <View style={[s.modalContent]}>
        <Text style={[s.text]>Hello Modal!</Text>

Progress bar

Basic progress bar

<View style={[s.progress]}>
  <View style={[s.progressBar, {width: `${progress * 100}%`}]} />



An attempt to mimic CSS selectors for group pseudo-classes, such as :first-child, and media queries:

<View style={[s.flexRow]}>
    group.map((item, index) => (
      <View key={index} style={[s.selectorFirstChild(index, s.bgLight)]}>
        <Text style={[s.selectorMediaUpMd([s.text, s.textPrimary])>Colored for Md+</Text>
        <Text style={[s.selectorMediaLandscape([s.text, s.textPrimary])>Colored for Lanscape</Text>

Check the full list of selectors in the source code:

Some element classes have selector-based extensions, for example cardHeaderFirstChild:

provide an example...


  • flex is an alias for flex1, and the same for flex{screen}
  • some styles contain undocumented, but supported by Yoga, instructions, such as width: '100%'. React Native uses Yoga as a layout engine.